

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2010, Blaðsíða 35

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2010, Blaðsíða 35
Heimildir FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKN 1. Haukka J, Suominen K, Partonen T, LonnqvistJ. Determinants and outcomes of serious attempted suicide: a nationwide study in Finland, 1996-2003. Am J Epidemiol 2008; 167:1155- 63. 2. Hagstofa íslands: www.hagstofan.is/. Sótt nóvember 2008. 3. Hawton K, Catalan J. Sjálvmordförsök. Bedömning och behandling, vol. 2. Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Lund 1985. 4. Jónsdóttir G. Sjálfsmorð á íslandi. Læknablaðið 1977; 63: 47- 63. 5. Sigurðsson P, Jónsdóttir G. Sjálfsvíg á Norðurlöndum 1880-1980. Samanburður milli landa og hugsanlegar skráningarskekkjur. Læknablaðið 1985; 71: 86-90. 6. Tómasson K, Zöega T. Sjálfsvíg og önnur voveifleg mannslát á íslandi 1951-1990. Læknablaðið 1993; 79: 71-6. 7. Hawton K, van Heeringen K. The Intemational Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, vol. 33. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex 2000. 8. Pálsson SP, Jónsdóttir G, Pétursson H. Parasuicidal behaviour in an emergency room population. Nord Psykiatr Tidskr 1991; 45:351-6. 9. Hawton K, van Heeringen K. The Intemational Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, vol. 31. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex 2000. 10. Pálssson SP, Jónsdóttir G, Pétursson H. The mortality risk of a psychiatric emergency patients. A follow - up study. Nord J Psychiatry 1996; 50: 207-16. 11. Kristinsson J, Pálsson R, Guðjónsdóttir GA, Blöndal M, Guðmundsson S, Snook CP. Acute poisonings in Iceland: a prospective nationwide study. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2008; 46: 126-32. 12. Silverman MM. The language of suicidology. Suicide Life Threat Behav 2006; 36: 519-32. 13. Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, Zimmerman JE. APACHE II: a severity of disease classification system. Crit Care Med 1985; 13: 818-29. 14. Hagstofa íslands: www.hagstofa.is Sótt nóvember 2008. 15. Hagstofa íslands: www.hagstofa.is Sótt nóvember 2008. 16. Hagstofa íslands: www.hagstofa.is Sótt nóvember 2008. 17. Karason S, Antonsen K, Aneman A. Ventilator treatment in the Nordic countries. A multicenter survey. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2002; 46:1053-61. 18. Siguq'ónsdóttir JM, Briem N, Jónsdóttir G, Pálsson SP, Pétursson H. Tíðni sjálfsvíga hjá þeim sem áður hafa reynt sjálfsvíg. Læknablaðið 1993; 79: 335-41. 19. Doshi A, Boudreaux ED, Wang N, Pelletier AJ, Camargo CA, Jr. National study of US emergency department visits for attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury, 1997-2001. Ann Emerg Med 2005; 46: 369-75. 20. Nordentoft M, Sogaard M. Registration, psychiatric evaluation and adherence to psychiatric treatment after suicide attempt. Nord J Psychiatry 2005; 59: 213-6. 21. Palsson SP, Jonsdottir G, Petursson H: Emergency psychiatry in a general hospital. Nord Psykiatr Tidsskr 1990; 44: 345-52. 22. Sher L, Oquendo MA, Richardson-Vejlgaard R, et al. Effect of acute alcohol use on the lethality of suicide attempts in patients with mood disorders. J Psychiatr Res 2009; 43: 901- 5. 23. Minton NA, Glucksman E, Henry JA. Prevention of drug absorbtion in simulated theophylline overdose. 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Suicides and serious suicide attempts: two populations or one? Psychol Med 2001; 31: 837-45. 31. Burillo-Putze G, Munne P, Duenas A, et al. National multicentre study of acute intoxication in emergency departments of Spain. Eur J Emerg Med 2003; 10:101-4. 32. Viertel A, Weidmann E, Brodt HR. [Cases of acute poisoning admitted to a medical intensive care unit]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2001; 126:1159-63. Þýska. 33. Gaillard M, Martel S, Reynaud P, Mercadal L, Liger C, Herve C. [Severe suicides: short- and long-term outcome. Assessment of their quality of life]. Agressologie 1990; 31: 749-52. Franska. 34. Nordstrom P, Samuelsson M, Asberg M. Survival analysis of suicide risk after attempted suicide. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1995;91:336-40. 35. Suominen K, Isometsa E, Ostamo A, Lonnqvist J. Level of suicidal intent predicts overall mortality and suicide after attempted suicide: a 12-year follow-up study. BMC Psychiatry 2004; 4:11. 36. Hawton K, Harriss L, Zahl D. Deaths from all causes in a long-term follow-up study of 11,583 deliberate self-harm patients. Psychol Med 2006; 36:397-405. Clinical aspects and follow up of suicide attempts treated in a general Intensive Care Unit at Landspitali University Hospital in lceland 2000-2004. Objective: To gather information on patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) after a serious suicide attempt (SA). Methods: Retrospective analysis and follow up of admittances to ICUs of Landspitali University Hospital after SA years 2000-2004. Results: Admittances because of SA were 251 (4% of ICU admissions, 61 % females, 39% males, mean age 36 yr ± 14). Ten percent were admitted more than once and 61 % had prior history of SA. Drug intoxication was the most prevalent type of SA (91 %) and the most frequent complication was pneumonia. Following ICU stay 36% of the patients were admitted to psychiatric wards and 80% received psychiatric follow up. The main psychiatric diagnosis was addiction (43%). Majority of patients were divorced or single and the rate of unemployment was high. Mortality during ICU stay was 3%. During 3-7 year follow up 21 patients died (10 %), majority due to suicide. In a survival analysis only the number of tablets taken, APACHE II score and number of somatic diseases predicted risk of death. Conclusion: The patient group is young (36 yr), majority are women (61 %), repeated attempts are frequent, social circumstances are poor and death rate after discharge from hospital is high (10%) even though the vast majority (80%) receives psychiatric follow up.This raises the question if the offered treatment is effective enough. Sverrisson KO, Palsson SP, Sigvaldason K, Karason S. Clinical aspects and follow up of suicide attempts treated in a general Intensive Care Unit at Landspitali University Hospital in lceland 2000-2004. Icel Med J 2010; 96:101-7 Key words: Suicide attempt, suicide, drug poisoning, intensive care, mental health care. Correspondence: Sigurbergur Kárason, skarason@landspitali.is < 5 5 D W I _l u z UJ Barst: 3. september 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 6. janúar 2010 Hagsmunatengsl: Engin LÆKNAblaðið 2010/96 1 07 R Y
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