Læknablaðið - 15.06.2012, Blaðsíða 29
Loftfélagið veitti óskilyrtan vísindastyrk til verkefnisins. Fjárhags-
legur bakhjarl þess er lyfjafyrirtækið GlaxoSmithKline. Einnig
styrkti Vísindasjóður Félags íslenskra heimilislækna rannsókn-
ina. Þakkir fær Sveinn Ríkarður Jóelsson fyrir gerð gagnaskrán-
ingarkerfis. Einnig fá þakkir Sjúkrahúsið á Akureyri fyrir að veita
Guðrúnu Dóru Clarke rannsóknanámsleyfi og starfsfólk heilsu-
gæslustöðvarinnar á Akureyri fyrir veitta aðstoð við afhendingu
Áhugasamir geta fengið nánari upplýsingar um spurningalista
frá höfundum.
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Prevalence of smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
among patients at the Akureyri Primary Care Center
Clarke GD1, Jonsson JS2-3, Olafsson M1, Joelsdottir SS4,Gudmundsson G35
Introduction: Even though smoking has decreased significantly over
the last few years, the majority of lcelanders 40 years of age or older
have a history of smoking. Limited information is available on respiratory
symptoms and diagnosis of chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD)
in this group.
Material and methods: During a four week period at the Akureyri Prim-
ary Care Center all individuals above the age of 40 were given a ques-
tionnaire on smoking, respiratory symptoms and medical treatment.
There were a total of 416 individuals and the response rate was 63%.
Spirometry was done on those who had smoked.
Results: Of the 259 responders, 150 (57,9%) had a history of smoking.
In this group 117 (45,2%) had quit but 33 (12,7%) were still smoking.
Of those that had a history of smoking 16% had COPD according to
spirometry resuits and 2/3 did not have a previous diagnosis. Respira-
tory symptoms were more common with increasing obstruction. Of the
smokers 26% had never been advised by a physician to stop smoking.
A total of 14,3% of the whole group had a previous diagnosis of emphy-
sema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic bronchitis.
Altogether 23,5% had previously been diagnosed with asthma, asthma-
tic bronchitis or allergic bronchitis.
Conclusion: A history of smoking was common among the primary
care patients. One in six who had a smoking history were found to have
COPD and the majority were unaware of the diagnosis. Respiratory
diagnoses were common. By spirometric evaluation many smokers are
diagnosed with previously unknown COPD.
Key words: primary care, lung disease, diagnosis, symptoms, smoking, spirometry, case finding.
Correspondence: Gunnar Guðmundsson, ggudmund@iandspitati.is
'Department of Respiratory Medicine National University Hospital, 2Akureyri primary care center, 3Gardabaer primary care center,4Faculty of Medicine
University of lceland. Akureyri University
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