

Læknablaðið - 01.05.2014, Síða 24

Læknablaðið - 01.05.2014, Síða 24
284 LÆKNAblaðið 2014/100 ENGLISH SUMMARY Emetophobia is an intense, irrational fear or anxiety of or pertaining to vomiting. It is classified among specific phobias in ICD-10 and DSM-IV. This disorder is often hidden because of the shame associated with it among sufferers. As a result emetophobia has been studied less than most other anxiety disorders. Not much is known about the epidemio- logy, treatment and outcome of this disorder. We describe a woman in her thirties who has been living with emetophobia since she experienced emesis two successive Christmas Eves as a child. Subsequently her fear of vomiting has influenced many aspects of her daily life. Emetophobia: morbid fear of vomiting and nausea Kolfinna Snaebjarnardottir1, Engilbert Sigurdsson1,2 key words: Emetophobia, vomiting, emesis, anxiety disorder, specific phobia. Correspondence: Engilbert Sigurðsson, engilbs@landspitali.is 1Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, 2Mental Health Services, Landspítali-National University Hospital. Heimildir 1. Williams KE, Field DG, Riegel K, Paul C. Brief. Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Food Refusal Secondary to Emetophobia. Clin Case Studies 2012; 10: 304-11. 2. Boschen MJ. Reconceptualizing Emetophobia: a Cognitive- Behavioral Formulation and Research Agenda. J Anxiety Disord 2007; 21: 407-19. 3. Hunter PV, Anthony MM. Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Emetophobia: The Role of Interoceptive Exposure. Cogn Behav Practice 2009; 16: 84-91. 4. Lipsitz JD, Fyer AJ, Paterniti A, Klein DF. Emetophobia: Preliminary Results of an Internet Survey. Depress Anxiety 2001; 14: 149-52. 5. Becker ES, Rinck M, Turke V, Kause P, Goodwin R, Neumer S, et al. Epidemiology of Specific Phobia Subtypes: Findings from the Dresden Mental Health Study. Eur Psychiatry 2007; 22: 69-74. 6. Veale D, Murphy P, Ellison N, Kanakam N, Costa A. Autobiographical Memories of Vomiting in People with a Specific Phobia of Vomiting (Emetophobia). J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 2013; 44: 14-20. 7. Philips HC. Return of Fear in the Treatment of a Fear of Vomiting. Behav Res Ther 1985; 23: 45-52. 8. van Hout WJ, Bouman TK. Clinical Features, Prevalence and Psychiatric Complaints in Subjects with Fear of Vomiting. Clin Psychol Psychother 2012; 19: 531-9. 9. www.emetophobia.com - september 2013. 10. livingwithemetophobia.blogspot.com/ - september 2013. 11. www.emetophobiahelp.org/fact-sheet.html - september 2013. 12. Veale D, Lambrou C. The Psychopathology of Vomit Phobia. Behav Cogn Psychother 2006; 34:139-50. 13. McFadyen M, Wyness J. You Don‘t Have to be Sick to be a Behaviour Therapist but it can Help! Treatment of a “Vomit” Phobia. Behav Psychother 1983; 11: 173-6. S J ú k R a T i l F E l l i Leiðréttingar Því miður misritaðist nafn „sjúklingsins“ á kápunni í mars einsog fjölmargir lesendur blaðsins bentu á, hið rétta er Árni Ingimund- arson. Myndin er tekin í nóvember 1962 og þetta eru Philips-röntg- entæki, keypt árið 1955. Í grein Ólafs Þ. Jónssonar um Friðrik Einarsson í sama blaði var ranghermt að á myndinni væri Grétar Ólafsson, hið rétta er Jósef Ólafsson. Í febrúarblaðinu er grein um Guðmund Hannesson prófessor. Mynd frá Héraðsskjalasafninu á Blönduósi af honum sem full- orðnum manni reyndist því miður vera rangt skráð og maðurinn er ekki Guðmundur Hannesson.



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