
Jökull - 01.01.2005, Side 5

Jökull - 01.01.2005, Side 5
Global Warming: Take Action or Wait? Figure 3. An air photo taken over an area of low cloud cover off the west coast of the U.S. The bright streaks are produced by cloud condensa- tion nuclei delivered to the clouds with the smoke from the stacks of ships passing beneath. – Á loftmynd af hafinu við vesturströnd Banda- ríkjanna má greina sérkennileg, línulaga ský sem myndast vegna rakaþéttingar á svifryki úr útblæstri skipa. tree leaves... By contrast, the CO2 we produce will be removed only on a century time scale. A second rea- son is that, as aerosols pose a medical hazard, their production in urban environments will certainly be curtailed. So, in the end, CO2 will win out! COMPUTER SIMULATIONS If one accepts the simulations generated by models, then a doubling of CO2 will certainly result in ma- jor climate changes which will impact virtually every human activity and cause a major shift in the habi- tat available to wildlife. But, as every climate scien- tist admits, major uncertainties surround these predic- tions. In order to assess the possible biases created by these parameterizations, a group of scientists in the United Kingdom undertook an elaborate exercise designed to evaluate the sensitivity of the models to the selection of the values adopted for the many re- quired parameters (Stainforth et al., 2005). To this end, they made thousands of model runs for doubled CO2 employing all combinations of the permissible range of values for each of these parameters. This ex- ercise yielded a range of results which were strongly skewed toward warmings greater than that obtained using the usual set of parameters. Further, none of the runs yielded warmings of less than 1.5◦C. This exer- cise suggests that model simulations more likely un- derestimate the impacts of increased CO2 than over- estimate them. Seemingly, the obvious way to test the reliability of these simulations is to determine whether they cor- rectly reproduce the global temperature record kept by our thermometers. Since the beginning of the Indus- trial Revolution, the CO2 content of the atmosphere has risen 100 parts per million (from 280 to 380). In addition, increases in methane and other infrared- absorbing gases provide additional greenhouse shield- ing which nearly matches that by the excess CO2. Hence it is as if CO2 had risen to 450 parts per mil- lion. The models predict that such a CO2 increase should have warmed the planet by about 1.5◦C. Has it? JÖKULL No. 55, 2005 5
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