
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 84

Jökull - 01.01.2005, Qupperneq 84
Kate T. Smith and Hreinn Haraldsson yr BP from Fljótshlíð down to the coast, which is un- usual for presently vegetated areas in Iceland. This may mean that before that time, the region west of Mýrdalsjökull was relatively frequently over- flooded by jökulhlaups depositing sandy and granular sediments, as has been the case with the areas south and east of Mýrdalsjökull in later times (Skógasandur and Mýrdalssandur). Although sedimentary records in the Markarfljót to date do not indicate such high frequency events this may predominantly reflect the low preservation potential of small-scale (Drumbabót- sized) flood sediments and landforms. It is most likely that jökulhlaups of this size flowed westward from the Katla area more often than the terrestrial records found so far can indicate and that these smaller events had a significant impact on shaping the landscape dur- ing this time. CONCLUSIONS The Drumbabót site in the Fljótshlíð area in the Mark- arfljót sandur plain is a key site in the story of Markar- fljót floods and for understanding issues of flood im- pact and reconstruction. First studied by Haraldsson during the 1970s–1980s, reconsideration by the au- thors in 2000 has placed the site in a wider context of Markarfljót floods and relates it to more general is- sues in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. This pa- per presents a new radiocarbon date on a bark sam- ple taken from a tree at Drumbabót south of Fljóts- hlíð indicating that an extensive mature birch wood was killed at 1230±35 14C yr BP, before the deposi- tion of the Landnám tephra and the settlement of Ice- land. Evidence from across the sandur area suggests that these trees had been growing across the region for some centuries. Analysis presented here of the deposits surround- ing these trees suggests that they were inundated by a jökulhlaup fromKatla travelling down theMarkarfljót valley, confirming earlier work by Haraldsson (1993). Importantly the Drumbabót site points out the devas- tating impact a medium-scale flood event can have on the environment. Holocene records of flood activity predominantly limited to sedimentary evidence at val- ley margins may underestimate the frequency of such events. Were they to happen today they could present a significant hazard. Acknowledgements KTS was supported during doctoral study by Natu- ral Environment Research Council (UK) studentship GT/04/99/ES/77 from 1999 to 2003. Logistical and financial support for fieldwork was provided by the University of Edinburgh, Fornleifastofnun Íslands, Icelandair (UK) Ltd and Vango Outdoors Ltd. Warm thanks are extended to Guðrún Larsen, Dr. Hreggvið- ur Norðdahl and Dr. Mike Church for comments and discussion in preparation of this paper. KTS would like to thank Prof. David Sugden and Dr. Andrew Dugmore for helpful discussions. Dr. Gordon Cook (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Cen- tre, East Kilbride, U.K.) provided advice and help with AMS radiocarbon dating. Electron Microprobe Analysis was carried out at University of Edinburgh with the support of Dr. Peter Hill and Dr. Anthony Newton. We would particularly like to thank Markús Runólfsson for help with access to the site and useful discussions. Eleanor Green, Amelia Hunt and Fiona Murray are acknowledged for their help in the field. ÁGRIP Ummerki forsögulegs stórhlaups á Markarfljóts- aurum Fyrir rúmum 1200 árum (1230+35 C14 ár) eydd- ist fullvaxinn birkiskógur sunnan Fljótshlíðar á Suð- urlandi af völdum vatnagangs og sandburðar í jökul- hlaupi til vesturs frá Kötlu. Þetta hlaup var hið síð- asta margra forsögulegra jökulhlaupa sem flætt hafa um Markarfljótsaura og Landeyjar á nútíma. Grein- ingar á setsýnum benda til að hlaupið hafi tengst gosi í Kötlu, svipuðu jökulhlaupumaustar með suðurströnd- inni sem þekkt eru frá sögulegum tíma. Ný kolefnis- aldursgreining, gjóskulagarannsóknir og athuganir á trjástubbum sem eftir standa sýna að birkitrén voru 60–100 ára gömul þegar þau voru færð í kaf. Gróð- urfar var sennilega svipað á mestum hluta láglendis í Landeyjum á þessum tíma. Setlög og skúraðar klapp- ir ofar með Markarfljóti, á svipuðum stað í jarðlaga- skipaninni, geta tengst þessu hlaupi frá vestanverð- um Mýrdalsjökli niður Markarfljótsdal. Með tilliti til áhættu á svæðinu er mikilvægt að hafa staðfestingu á 84 JÖKULL No. 55
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