
Jökull - 01.01.2005, Side 158

Jökull - 01.01.2005, Side 158
Þröstur Þorsteinsson et al Distance (m) D ep th (m ) Bed Surface N S 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 100 200 300 400 500 Figure 5. Radar-profile along MD10 to MD02 at the western margin of the study area. The depth ranges from about 100 m to 250 m. A strong echo, most likely from an ash layer, is visible near the surface in the southern part of the profile. – Ísjár-snið milli MD10 til MD12, á vesturhlið mælisvæðisins. Dýpið er breytilegt, frá um 100 m til 250 m. Sterkt endurkast, líklegast frá öskulagi, sést nálægt yfirborði í syðrihluta þversniðsins. RESULTS Radar Figure 6 shows the surface topography calculated from the pressure record attained during the radar measurements and the elevation of the GPS-points. The origin of the local coordinate is at the UTM co- ordinate of 5.91x105 m easting and 7.068x106 m nor- thing, in the 28N zone (Figure 1b). The ice thickness (Figure 7) was calculated from the two-way travel time, assuming a radio-wave speed of 169 m µs−1. The ice thickness decreases from SE to NW, from some 300 m in the SE part of the survey region to about 112 m in the NW part. Figure 8 shows the bed topography inferred from surface elevation and radar data (GPR-data). The bed relief within the study area is about 185 m. Location of measurement marks in April Data processing revealed extremely small errors in the data, < 2 cm in the horizontal direction and 2.5–3.5 cm in the vertical direction (given 1 cm horizontal set-up error and 2 cm vertical set-up error). Redundant oc- cupations of 50% of the network and extremely high quality data (even with the Trimble 4000’s) contribute to the excellent data quality. Little or no data edit- ing was necessary to attain statistically valid solu- tions. Most of the short baselines solved well with sin- gle frequency solutions. Survey conditions pn April 20 were extraordinarily quiet (the best GPS data S. O’Neel the UNAVCO GPS specialist had ever seen). Continuous GPS survey April 22–May 7, 2003 Continuous GPS measurements were carried out at MD00, MD11, and MD12 (Figure 2). The MD00 sta- 158 JÖKULL No. 55, 2005
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