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Appendix 1. Paleomagnetic directions from profiles in three areas. – Segulstefnur í hraunum á þrem svæðum.
WB Þórisgil, Brynjudalur, Hvalfjörður (64◦21.300’N, 21◦16.338’W)
Flow N Dec. Inc. Lon. Lat. Alf. J100 Pol.
WB 1 6 205 -70 277 -74 4 0.94 R
WB 2 5 210 -67 277 -68 2 1.00 R
WB 3 5 252 -87 172 -66 6 3.50 R
WB 4 5 122 -54 57 -45 5 1.64 R
WB 5 5 244 -80 205 -66 3 12.24 R
WB 6 4 165 -79 110 -83 2 0.16 R
WB 7 4 182 -76 259 -89 4 0.49 R
WB 8 4 177 -79 146 -85 4 1.71 R
WB 9 5 169 -79 118 -84 2 3.40 R
WB 10 4 182 -79 169 -85 4 9.39 R
WB 11 5 180 -82 159 -81 2 2.83 R
WB 12 5 198 -59 308 -63 4 0.32 R
WB 13 5 196 -64 306 -69 3 1.36 R
WB 14 8 213 -82 192 -75 5 17.12 R
WB 15 4 335 +77 263 +79 3 2.22 N
WB 16 4 351 +61 176 +68 5 13.38 N
WB 17 4 302 +65 247 +54 4 4.13 N
WB 18 5 11 +56 139 +61 2 4.91 N
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