Jökull - 01.01.2010, Blaðsíða 164
L. Kristjánsson
Appendix 1. cont.
KO Stóröxl, Kjósarskarð (64◦15.60’N, 21◦22.09’W)
KO 1 4 235 -72 237 -64 2 1.72 R
KO 2 6 144 -79 100 -75 4 5.93 R
KO 2B 4 184 -61 331 -67 6 2.77 R
KO 3 4 196 -69 296 -75 4 0.53 R
HR/FO Þverá-Fossnes, Þjórsárdalur (64◦03.821’N, 20◦06.334’W)
Lavas in approx. stratigraphic order. See text for probable duplications
HR 5A 4 281 -87 174 -62 5 4.6 R
HR 5B 4 227 -71 250 -65 3 13.7 R
HR 5D 4 195 -80 200 -82 4 2.2 R
HR 5F 4 206 -75 247 -78 4 3.2 R
HR 5H 4 225 -87 172 -68 2 0.3 R
HR 5I 4 139 -62 48 -59 3 7.6 R
HR 5L 4 260 -78 208 -59 3 3.3 R
HR 5N 4 83 -88 151 -63 2 2.3 R
HR 5P 4 29 -86 154 -58 4 5.8 R
HR 5S 4 114 -86 141 -66 6 1.7 R
FO 20 5 339 +68 210 +72 4 11.5 N
HR 5V 4 348 +59 182 +64 4 9.0 N
FO 21 7 342 +60 192 +65 3 8.0 N
HR 7A 5 189 -84 168 -76 2 2.8 R
FO 22 4 186 -55 330 -61 9 2.3 R
FO 23 4 173 -61 354 -67 7 0.8 R
FO 24 4 353 -16 167 +18 7 0.7 NT
FO 25 4 79 +82 15 +63 12 2.3 N
FO 26 4 29 +80 26 +77 3 1.6 N
FO 27 4 16 +77 56 +83 4 1.6 N
FO 28 4 40 +79 39 +73 4 3.2 N
HR 9A 4 40 +85 2 +71 5 2.3 N
FO 29 4 24 +73 86 +77 2 1.8 N
HR 9B 5 30 +78 41 +77 6 2.6 N
FO 30 4 65 +76 41 +63 4 3.7 N
HR 9C 4 37 +76 56 +74 4 9.5 N
FO 31 4 57 +75 50 +64 3 3.2 N
FO 32 5 45 +74 61 +69 7 4.2 N
HR 9E 4 60 +79 32 +66 5 4.9 N
FO 33 4 105 -72 94 -54 12 1.3 R
FO 35 4 99 -73 100 -54 6 1.9 R
HR 9D 4 124 -70 77 -61 3 2.1 R
FO 34 4 50 +74 55 +67 2 1.3 N
FO 36A 4 10 -86 158 -57 5 1.4 R
FO 36B 3 17 +53 133 +58 2 0.7 N
FO 37 4 13 +60 136 +65 4 3.6 N
FO 38 4 193 -73 281 -82 4 2.2 R
HR 11A,B 4 81 -82 131 -58 5 0.6 R
FO 39 4 48 +74 58 +68 3 3.3 N
FO 40 4 29 +61 109 +63 9 1.9 N
N = number of samples averaged. Dec, inc = declination and inclination of each remanence direction. Lon, lat = coordinates of the
corresponding virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP). Alf = 95% confidence angle for the mean direction, in degrees. J100 = mean remanence
intensity after 10 mT (100 Oe) alternating field treatment, in A/m. Pol = polarity, with N = normal, R = reverse, T = low-latitude VGP. The
coordinates given are those at the lowest lava flow. The tectonic tilt corrections applied may be uncertain by up to 2◦. – N = fjöldi sýna.
Dec, inc = misvísun og halli segulstefnu. Lon, lat = lengd og breidd sýndar-segulskauts. Alf = óvissa í segulstefnunni. J100 = styrkur
segulmögnunar. Pol segir til um hvort segulstefnan er „rétt“ (N) eða „öfug“ (R). Staðsetning neðsta hraunlags er gefin.
164 JÖKULL No. 60