
Jökull - 01.01.2016, Page 14

Jökull - 01.01.2016, Page 14
Eyjólfur Magnússon et al. Table 2. The size of glaciated drainage basins of the 6 main rivers draining from Drangajökull (Figure 9), as- suming full and no ice load. – Stærð jökulhulins hluta vatnasviða 6 stærstu jökuláa Drangajökuls út frá æstæðu vatnsmætti þar sem gert er ráð fyrir fullu eða engu ísfargi. River name Drainage area assuming full ice load (km2) Drainage area assuming no ice load (km2) Jökulá í Leirufirði 27.8 27.5 Mórilla 35.8 37.1 Selá 25.6 28.7 Bjarnarfjarðará 18.0 16.8 Reykjarfjarðarós 19.4 20.5 Þaralátursós 7.5 5.6 Others 9.5 7.3 atmospheric level. Hence the water routes are likely to be mostly controlled by the bed topography before the ice disappears completely. Of the 6 main rivers Mórilla in Kaldalón has the largest glaciated river catchment (Table 2), draining 25% of the entire ice cap, while Jökulá in Leirufjörður and Selá drain re- spectively 19% and 18% of the entire ice cap (assum- ing full ice overburden). Other rivers drain smaller fraction of the ice cap. By combining the obtained volume of Dranga- jökull in July 2011 with the geodetic record of vol- ume change in 1946–2011 (Magnússon et al., 2016) a record was obtained of the ice cap absolute volume showing its decadal variations (Figure 10). All vol- umes were corrected towards the start of the glacio- logical year (start of winter, ∼1 October) to mini- mize effects of seasonal variations on the ice cap vol- ume caused by variable dates of the DEMs, varying from late June until early October (details explained in Magnússon et al., 2016). The ice cap volume in au- tumn 2014 was also calculated. It is deduced from a surface DEM derived using optical stereo images ac- quired by the Pléiades satellite (Belart et al., in open review, 2016). The images were acquired 14 October after the first winter snow fall. By applying a roughly approximated relation between precipitation in Litla- Ávík (weather station operated by the Icelandic Mete- orological Office) ∼40 km southeast of Drangajökull and the snow fall on the glacier (Belart et al., in open review, 2016) 0.5±0.3 m was subtracted from the DEM to represent the glacier surface on 1 October. The glacier volumes in spring 2014 and 2015 (blue dots in Figure 10) give an idea of the seasonal vol- ume fluctuation of Drangajökull. These are obtained Figure 10. The volume evolution of Drangajökull ice cap since 1946. The black dots are obtained from the bed DEM and surface DEMs at various dates in 1946- 2014 (Jóhannesson et al., 2013; Magnússon et al., 2016; Belart et al., in open review, 2016). Volumes are seasonally corrected towards the end of the glacio- logical year (see Magnússon et al., 2016 for details). The blue dots correspond to volume estimated from spring surfaces of the ice cap in 2014 (from DGNSS measurements obtained during the RES-survey) and Pléiades DEM in May 2015. – Þróun heildarrúmmáls Drangajökuls frá 1946. Svartir punktar gefa til kynna rúmmál að hausti, fyrst haustið 1946, síðast haust- ið 2014. Bláir punktar sýna rúmmál jökulsins í mars 2014 og maí 2015. 14 JÖKULL No. 66, 2016
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