
Jökull - 01.01.2016, Blaðsíða 42

Jökull - 01.01.2016, Blaðsíða 42
Jonathan L. Carrivick et al. Figure 9. Analysis of surface horizontal motion by manual feature-tracking of a common line of features, such as the end of major crevasses. Usage of these ‘lines’ mitigated problems with finding exact points to track. Annotations denote most major horizontal shifts only for clarity and have units of metres since previous image. Note that only changes within a year could be resolved: between years horizontal displacement was too large to confidently see the same feature. The location of these panels is indicated in Figure 1. – Mæling á íshreyfingu með handvirkri greiningu á hliðrun línulegra yfirborðsauðkenna s.s. sprunguenda. Línur auðkenna auðvelda mælingu á hliðrun þegar erfitt er að finna ákveðin staðbundin auðkenni til þess að fylgja. Merkingar sýna lárétta hliðrun í metrum miðað við fyrri mynd á nokkrum stöðum. Athugið að hliðrun milli mynda var einungis unnt að ákvarða innan sama árs. Hliðrun milli ára var of mikil til þess að unnt væri að koma auga á sömu auðkenni með vissu. Staðsetning myndanna er sýnd á 1. mynd. For comparison, application of a simple ‘flux gate’ calculation, whereby the ice volume discharged from the reservoir to the receiving areas is compared with the product the velocity of ice, ν, flowing through a cross-section with an area, A (for a parabola A = 2/3×width×depth) over the duration of the surge, T (here assumed to be one year), in the vicinity of the net zero elevation change isoline (Figure 2C), produces a depth-averaged and cross-sectionally averaged veloc- ity, ν, of ∼200 m yr−1. This is only an indication of the order-of-magnitude of the velocity. The ice-flow velocities could have been much higher for shorter periods. Runoff in the Jökulsá á Fjöllum river, which in- cludes input from Kverkfjöll, was statistically higher (ANoVA p value <0.01) in the years 2010 to 2013 compared to 2008, 2009 and 2014 (Figure 10). In contrast, the Kreppa discharge, though visually raised was not statistically higher. The difference between the runoff recorded at the two sites in those two sets of years is even more obvious if the volume of water is considered by integrating the discharge through time. 42 JÖKULL No. 66, 2016
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