
Jökull - 01.01.2016, Blaðsíða 64

Jökull - 01.01.2016, Blaðsíða 64
Paweł Molewski and Leon Andrzejewski roundness of the gravel and boulders. The sandy de- posits separating them (Sl, SFl) may be interpreted as the effect of sheetflows separating the subsequent episodes of debris flow (Nemec et al., 1980; Zieliński and Van Loon, 1996). This flow occurred at the snout of the melting glacier, probably after the ice-dammed lake had drained away. The sediments building the kame terrace represent two different sedimentary environments, i.e. glacila- custrine (units A1, A2 and B1) and glacifluvial (units A3 and B2, B3). The sediments in profile A repre- sent a deeper part of the water body, while sediments in profile B represent its shore zone. These probably indicate differences in the height of the occurrence of the dead ice layer in the analysed profile. Both studied profiles have a similar altitude. The top of the dead ice in profile B, located further away from Jökulgrindur, is approximately 4 metres higher than in profile A. After a slow draining of the lake, meltwaters probably flowed along the glacier snout, between the snout and Jökulgrindur. This is attested by a dry channel run- ning in a south-westerly direction on the surface of the kame terrace. RECONSTRUCTION OF GLACIAL EVENTS The geomorphological and sedimentological research clearly supports the existence of ice-dammed lakes of various sizes in the northern part of the marginal zone of the Tungnaárjökull, formed by the damming of the outflow of meltwaters during successive glacier ad- vances. Combining this study with published, archival cartographic material and aerial photographs (Frey- steinsson, 1972; Thorarinsson and Sigvaldason, 1972) we were able to reconstruct a probable sequence of glacial events in the northern part of the marginal zone of Tungnaárjökull since the end of the LIA. As evident from previous studies (e.g. Eythorsson, 1963; Thorarinsson, 1964) and research by the authors (Andrzejewski and Molewski, 2000; Andrzejewski, 2002), Tungnaárjökull reached its maximum extent in the late nineteenth century, i.e. 1880–1890 (Frey- steinsson, 1968) (Figure 10A). This maximum limit is clearly constrained by a series of arcuate end-moraine in the central part of Tungnaárjökull’s marginal zone (e.g. Andrzejewski, 2002). In the northern part of its forefield, end moraines are located in different parts of the Jökulgrindur ridge and its vicinity. In the research areas the end moraines are situated on the glacier- facing slope of the ridge, in its culmination or on its western side (Figures 2A and 6). In the southern part of the northern study area the snout of the glacier blocked the meltwater flow in a south-westerly direc- tion between Jökulgrindur and the glacier resulting in the development of a large ice-dammed lake (Figure 10A). The length of time during which this lake ex- isted is, however, unknown. It is known that the wa- ter must have drained prior to 1939 because the to- pographic map from that period (see Freysteinsson, 1972, p. 83) shows a lake whose size is similar to that existing today (Figure 2A). Tungnaárjökull advanced at least twice during the first half of the twentieth century, in the years 1915–1920 and in 1945 (Thorarinsson, 1964; Frey- steinsson, 1968). Earlier studies have shown that these advances were probably surges (e.g. Andrze- jewski and Molewski, 1999; Evans et al., 2009). The 1945 advance was documented in the northern part of the glacier’s marginal zone, based on aerial pho- tographs (see Thorarinsson and Sigvaldason, 1972, p. 18). Their map indicates that the glacier blocked meltwater flow, resulting in the formation of an elon- gate, NE–SW-trending lake between the Jökulgrindur bedrock ridge and the margin of Tungnaárjökull (Fig- ure 10B). It cannot, however, be concluded whether a similar situation occurred during the advance of 1915–1920, because of the lack of aerial photogra- phy. It is likely that the deltas/ice-contact fans devel- oped during the 1945 advance and represent points at which meltwater flowing off the glacier entered the lake. Its gradual disappearance is indicated by clear traces of ancient shorelines, expressed in the form of a series of small wave-cut platforms (Figures 2A and 3A). Since traces of shorelines on the slope of Jökul- grindur lie approximately 15 m above the delta, it can be assumed that the level of the lake, probably asso- ciated with the LIA, was at least that high. The small end moraine ridges on the glacier-facing slope of Jök- ulgrindur are also probably associated with the LIA 64 JÖKULL No. 66, 2016
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