Jökull - 01.01.2016, Page 87
The Kleifakot geomagnetic instability event in NW-Iceland
Figure 2. a) The Northwest peninsula of Ice-
land, showing the positions of most of the pro-
files sampled by McDougall et al. (1984) as dots
and of those sampled by Kristjánsson and Jó-
hannesson (1996) as circles. The arrow indi-
cates an estimate of average tectonic tilt in the
peninsula, which however varies considerably
from place to place. The inset shows the ac-
tive volcanic zones (stippled) and ice caps of
Iceland, and the box Figure 2b. Modified from
Kristjánsson (2015). – a) Vestfirðir, með fyrri
sýnatökusniðum (McDougall o.fl., 1984; Krist-
jánsson og Jóhannesson, 1996). Ör sýnir áætl-
aðan meðal-jarðlagahalla, en hann er talsvert
breytilegur milli staða.
Figure 2. b) The locations of three profiles sampled by Kristjánsson and Jóhannesson (1989, 1996) in Mjói-
fjörður (Mj.) and Ísafjörður (Ís.) are shown in small capital letters. Profiles sampled later by the author
(Kristjánsson, 2015, and present paper) represented by larger capitals, the latter ones being underlined. The ar-
row indicates the local dip and down-dip direction in this part of Ísafjörður. Aerial photograph from Loftmyndir
Corp. – b) Sýnatökusnið í Mjóafirði og Ísafirði; þau sem safnað var úr 2012–2016 eru með stóru letri. Ör sýnir
jarðlagahalla. Loftmynd birt með leyfi Loftmynda ehf.
JÖKULL No. 66, 2016 87