Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 5

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 5
ÍSL. LANDBÚN. J. AGR. RES. ICEL. 1974 6, 1-2'. 3—22 Sheep parasites in Iceland Protozoan ovocysts, helminthic eggs and larvae in sheep faeces, and the effect of thiabendazole treatment. Sníkjudýr í sauðfé á íslandi Þolhjúpuð frumdýr, ormaegg og ormalirfur í kindasaur og áhrif thiabendazole ormalyfs. SlGURÐUR H. RlCHTER Institute for Experimental Pathology University of Iceland Keldur, Reykfavík. ABSTRACT A study was made for two years on a group of sheep from a single flock on a farm in Iceland. Faecal samples were collected at weekly intervals and the number of Eimeria ovocysts, eggs of gast- rointestinal nematodes and larvae of lung nematodes were counted. Eggs of Moniezia expansa were noted as well as faecal consistency. The variations of these parameters are depicted in relation to the age of the sheep and time of year. The reasons for the variations are discussed. The effeas of thiabendazole on these parameters tion of anthelmintica is discussed. INTRODUCTION It is generally accepted that sheep parasites cause considerable economic losses. The main means of dealing with these parasites is by improvement of sheep management practices and the use of drugs. These methods can only be properly evaluted when the life cyc- les of the parasites involved are known. Investigations on sheep parasites are con- stantly being carried out in other countries, but results of such studies can not be applied in Iceland without reservation. The climatic conditions and sheep management practices of Iceland differ from those elsewhere and were studied and the optimal time for administra- these two factors exert great influence on the life cycles of the parasites. It is necessary therefore to investigate the life cycles of the parasites under Icelandic conditions in order to make it possible to advise the farmers of the best methods against the many parasites that affect sheep. The following sheep parasites have been found in Iceland (Based on Gíslason 1968, PÁLSSON 1955, PÁLSSON 1964, PÁLSSONet al. 1971, and several other published and unpublished observations):
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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