Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 64

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 64
62 ÍSLENSKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR SUMMARY A breeding programme for Icelandic dairy cattle Magnús B. Jónsson Jón Viðar Jónmundsson The Agricultural College, Hvanneyri The results of a simulation analysis were used in order to investigate the influence of various cattle breeding practices on expected genetic gain in the Icelandic dairy brced po- pulation. The investigation deals with selec- tion for one trait only, i.e. milk yield. The optimum size of a progeny group was found to be 20—30 daughters for a maxi- mum genetic gain. With regard to the cost of the breeding programme a group size of 80—100 daughters seems to be advisable. It seems advisable to use untested sires somewhat more than tested sires. Expected genetic gain increases with in- creasing semen collection from each sire. HEIMILDASKRÁ Brascamp, E. W., 1973. Model calculations con- cerning economic optimalization of Al-bree- ding with cattle Zeitsch. Tierz. Ziichtungsbiol., 90: 1—15. Cunningham, E. P., 1973- Cost-effectiveness and population structure in cattle breeding pro- grammes. Ann. Génét. Sél. anim., 5: 239—256. Bkíksson, Ragnar, 1971. Islandsk kvægavl i nutid og fremtid. ASalritgerð til kandidatsprófs frá KVL, Kaupmannahöfn 1971, 60 s. Haring, J. F., 1972. Zuchtplanung in der Rin- derzucht aus ökonomischer Sicht. Fjölrit, 16 s. Hill, W. G., 1971. Investment apprisal for na- tional breeding programmes. Anim. Prod., 13: 37—50. Hinks, C. J. M., 1971. The genetic and financial consequences of selection amongst dairy bulls With regard to cost it seems advisable to collect 5000—6000 doses of semen from each sire. It is advisable to use the two best bulls as bull-sires in any given year, and it is indi- cated that it may be possible to increase con- siderably the use of sires of a beef breed without adversely affecting genetic improve- ment in the dairy breed. The considerable influence of factors such as heritability, participation in record keeping and population size on expected results of the breeding programme, is demonstrated. The conclusions are discussed in considera- ble detail, both in relation to results of stu- dies carried out in other countries and with regard to practices applied at present to cattle breeding in this country. A genetic gain of 1.0—-1.5% per year is expected in the whole cattle population if the breeding programme advocated in this paper is put into practice. in artificial insemination. Anim. Prod., 13: 209 —218. Hunt, M. S., Burnside, E. P., Breeman, M. G. og Thomson, G. M., 1972. Inpaa of selection, testing, and operational procedures on genetic progress in a progency testing artificial in- semination stud. J. Dairy Sci., 55: 829—839. Jóhannesson, Diðrik, 1973. Persónulegar upplýs- ingar. Johansson, I. og Rendal, J., 1963. Arftlighet och husdjursförádling. LTs förlag, 368 s. Jónsson, Magnús B., 19'68. Variasjonsársaker i melkeavdrátten hos islandske kyr. Licentiatrit- gerð N. L. H, 106 s. Jónsson, Magnús B, 1969. Nautgripakynbætur. Framkvæmd kynbótastarfsins. Búnaðarritið, 82: 390—405.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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