Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 21

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 21
SHEEP PARASITES IN ICELAND 19 In late September when the sheep come back to the farms, the faecal consistency is about 2. 5—3 but then it falls and in Nov- ember it is down to 1—1. 5. Thereafter it rises gradually through the winter and is back to 3 in June when the sheep go to the mountain pasmres. No significant age nor sex differences could be detected. This variation is shown in Fig. 16. The effect of thiabendazole on the faecal consistency varies depending on the time of year (Fig. 15). Drenching in September or December does not seem to have any effect, however drenchings in April or May seem in some cases to harden the faeces but this does not last longer than 2—3 weeks. There are several factors which can influ- ence faecal consistency of sheep, i.e. changes in diet, stress (. ex. lambing), several dis- eases and parasitic infestation. The variation in faecal consistency in this study can possibly be related to changes in ADDENDUM The author realizes that the results obtained can only be considered valid for this parti- cular farm during the course of the study. ACKN OWIEDGEMENTS I am indebted to the farmer Einar Ólafsson and his family for allowing me to carry out this smdy on their farm Gesthús and for much appreciated help and cooperation. Furthermore I wish to thank the following for their technical assistance: Torfhildur Sam- diet such as differing water content of the fodder. Stress of lambing can be excluded here as a major cause of variation in faecal consistency since both sexes showed the same pattern. If we consider parasites to be a major cause of variation in faecal consistency, we might rale out those which do not vary clearly in numbers in relation to the time of year and those which vary considerably in relation to the age of the sheep. This would exclude in this case the following species: Eimeria spp. (except possibly in newborn lambs) Moniezia expansa, Nematoiirus spp., Muetterius capillaris and Dictyocaulus filaria. As far as this study is concerned, this leaves only the group „other strongyles" as a possible cause. It is most likely however that variation in faecal consistency cannot be related to a single factor only. However, it is possible that the various hypotheses presented are applicable for many other farms in Iceland. úelsdóttir, Pétur Sigurðsson, Roger Lutley, and Vilhelmína Gunnarsdóttir. Finally I want to thank Guðmundur Pét- ursson, Páll A. Pálsson and Sigurður Sigurð- arson for their helpful comments and special thanks to Sigurður Sigurðarson for helping me to start this investigation.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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