Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 37

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 37
VORHITI OG VAXTARSKILYRBI NYTJAJURTA 35 ÞAKKARORÐ Höfundur þakkar Bændaskólanum á Hvann- eyri og Bútæknideild Rannsóknastofnunar landbúnaðarins fyrir veitta aðstöðu til vinnslu efnisins og samningar ritgerðarinnar. Þakkir skulu einnig færðar Markúsi A. Einarssyni SUMMARY Spring temperature and growth conditions with particular reference to grassland. Bjarni Guðmundsson The Agricultural College, Hvanneyri A study was carried out on changes in air temperature during the grass- growing season. The study was based on data from some 40 Meteorological Stations during the period 1931—1960. It was concluded that the growing season (spring) will commence when the air tem- perature first exceeds 4.0 °C calculated on the basis of monthly averages. According to these conclusions it seems possible to divide the country into 4 zones according to the onset of the growing season. The onset of the growing season in any given locality, as defined above, can be esti- mated with a fair degree of accuracy on the basis of the latitude and the altitude of the locality. The onset of the growing season is delayed by almost 9 days for each of north- ern latitude and by 3 days for an increase of 100 m in altitude. The causes of devia- veðurfræðingi, er las handritið yfir og færði ýmislegt til betri vegar, dr. Olafi R. Dýr- mundssyni, sem annaðist gerð hins enska texta, og öðrum ónefndum, er veittu hug- myndir, leiðbeiningar og aðstoð. tions from these norms in different localities are discussed. The yearly variation in the onset of the growing season, expressed as standard devia- tion, appears to be similar for the various zones of the country. It was found to have a mean value of s = * 11.3 days. The last day in spring with temperature below freezing point (T<0°C) was found to be closely related to both the latitude and the altitude of the locality. Thus the last day of frost was delayed by almost 10 days for each degree of northern latitude and by almost 8 days for an increase of 100 m in altitude. Finally there is a discussion on the rela- tionship between frost- free days (T>0°C) during the summer and the latitude of the locality. It was found that the number of frost- free days decreased by 17 for each de- gree of northern latitude and by 18 for each of 100 m. in altitude. The significance of these findings is dis- cussed in relation to an assessment of growing conditions, and the length of the growing season of forage crops is estimated for the 4 zones of the country as referred to above.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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