Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 13

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1974, Blaðsíða 13
SHEEP PARASITES IN ICELAND 11 of Nematodirus eggs was for the most part much smaller than the number of eggs of „other strongyles". However the magnitude of the Nematodirus infection should not be underestimated because it has been shown that the rate of Nematodirus egg-production is approx. 3.5 —100 times smaller than for the „other strongyles" (Kates 1947, Peters et al. 1941). This should be kept in mind when comparing egg-counts of the two groups. Because of the low number of Nemato- dirus eggs it is difficult to interpret the re- sults. It is not unlikely, however, that the variation in the number of Nematodirus eggs is in many ways similar to that of „other strongyles". Yet there are several differences. Firstly, no Nematodirus eggs were found in lambs up to 1 '/2 months of age (Group X, compare with Fig. 3). But Nematodirus eggs were found in 2 month old lambs. Secondly, as Fig. 6 and 7 clearly indicate, Nematodiriasis is primarily a lamb disease, and sheep seem to develop considerable resi- stance to Nematodirus. This resistance seems to be almost fully developed at one year of age although sheep never seem to become completely immune. A hypothesis concerning the variation in the number of eggs of Nematodirus spp. in relation to the age of sheep and time of year is illustrated in Fig. 16. LUNG NEMATODES Three species of lung nematodes have been found in Icelandic sheep, Muellerius capil- laris, Dictyocaulus filaria and Protostrongylus rufescens. In the experimental group only the first two species were found. Larvoepr.g Group IV. faeces Lambs born May 1972 ■>Fema!es -txr o 1972 -ít-td' 100 Lambs born May 1972. GroupV. S>Females 7 Fig. 8. Larvae of Muellerius capillaris in faeces of lambs (age 4—1 months) (Groups IV and V). Muellerius capillaris. No larvae were found in lambs up to the age of IV2 months (Group X). From the age of IVi months the lambs were not stud- ied because they were on the mountain pastures, but larvae were found in 4 month old lambs. The number of larvae in sheep 4 months old to 1V2 years shows great individual varia- tion (Fig. 8 and 9). In some, the number is very high but in others it is almost nil. It appears that the lambs become infested with M. capillaris at different age. A difference in the grazing habits of the sheep could be the explanation. M. capillaris is the only sheep nematode present in this smdy with an inter- mediate host (several species of snails and slugs). Miiellenus infection therefore proba- bly occurs primarily in damper areas, whereas infections of other sheep nematodes are prob- ably more equally spread throughout the grazing areas. Moreover, the probability of infection is greater during the latter parts of the summer, when the snails are more abun- dant and possibly more highly infected with larvae. Most adult sheep in this investigation (Fig. 10) have an average of 50—100 larvae pr g faeces, but the variation between indi- vidual measurements can be quite great.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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