AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2000, Side 65

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2000, Side 65
De Landa, Manuel, War In The Age Of Intelegent Machine, Daidalosm Architecture - Art - Culture, issue 69/70(G+B (Swerve Editions) 1994. Arts International), December 1998. Development Potential of Greater Reykjavík Urban Area RVK21C+ is an urban research project in architec- tural and urban methodology developed between 1998 and 1999 by URBAN research OFFICE, partially in collaboration with OCEAN and the Architectural Association in London. The project focused on research and development of dynamic relations that are both influential and reactive to the organisation and material geometry of a project that spans scales from the building, through the urban to the intemational. Infra-polis The international The project seeks to structure the planning of Reykjavík to integrate the city into the international network as an infrastructural node. The project pro- poses that Reykjavík establishes an international free trade area within the city with a rail connection to the intemational airport. Reykjavík airport area, adjacent to the city centre, is proposed as the site for the free trade area, central rail station and airport terminal. Infra-city The local Reykjavrk is in stark need of densification, after decades of unchecked urban sprawl, directionless planning approaches, and ineffectual green-field inser- tion. The project proposes an integrated landscape and high-density urban fabric as a model for further devel- opment in the city. The proposal attempts a smooth fusion of program and infrastructure with the local (city centre) district, the city, raral areas and interna- tional infrastructure. ■ HITAVEITA SUÐURNESJA HITAVEITA SUÐURNESJA LEIÐANDI FYRIRTÆKI í NÝTINGU JARÐVARMA Hitaveita Suðurnesja er fyrsta orkuveitan í heiminum sem tvinnar saman framleiðslu á heitu vatni til húshitunar, heitu kranavatni auk framleiðslu á rafmagni. Þekking byggð á íslensku hugviti og reynslu hefur gert okkur kleift að skipa okkur sess sem leiðandi fyrirtæki í sölu á ódýrri orku til fyrirtækja og heimila. Ódýr orka í formi gufu og eða rafmagns, ferskvatn og hreinn sjór úr hraunlögum sem kælimiðill til hverskyns iðnaðar, mannauður og nægjanlegt auðunnið landrými fyrir hverskyns atvinnustarfssemi í nálægð alþjóðaflugvallar og góðra hafnarmannvirkja setja Suðurnesin efst á blað hvað kosti varðar við ákvörðun staðsetningar stóriðju jafnt sem smærri fyrirtækja. Nýttu þér reynslu okkar og þekkingu og leitaðu upplýsinga. Hitaveita Suðurnesja • Brekkustíg 36 • 260 Reykjanesbæ • Sími 422 5200 • www.hs.is


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