AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2000, Síða 74

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2000, Síða 74
Hvernig er þín eigin vinnuaðstaða og hve lengi situr þú við tölvuna samfleytt? Höfundur er sjúkraþjálfari og þróunar- og gæða- stjóri Vinnueftirlitsins. 1. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.Second Euroean Survey on Working Condition, Luxembourg 1996 (ISBN 92-828-0552- 2). 2. Ólöf Steingrímsdóttir o.fl. Einkenni frá hreyfi- og stoðk- erfi meðal íslendinga, Læknablaðið 1988:74:223-32. 3. Hulda Ólafsdóttir o.fl. Óþægindi frá stoðkerfi meðal fiskvinnslufólks. Læknablaðið 1993;79:29-35. 4. Þórunn Sveinsdóttir o.fl.. Óþægindi frá hreyfi- og stoð- kerfi meðal starfsfólks matvöruverslana. Læknablaðið 1999; 85: 202-209. 5. Þórunn Sveinsdóttir. Léttum af þeim byrðunum. AVS- blaðið 3.-4. tbl. 1996 6. Hulda Ólafsdóttir. Eitt tölvuborð, já takk. AVS-blaðið 2. tbl. 1996. ■ THE ROLE OF DESIGNERS IN OCCUPATION- ALSAFETY Þórunn Sveinsdóttir, physiotherapist and director of development and quality control for the Icelandic Occupational Safety and Health Administration, here writes about the role and the responsibility of design- ers in occupational safety. Studies show that some 600 million working days per year are lost within the European Union due to work-related injuries or dis- comfort. Regulations regarding workplace design make clear the responsibility of the designer in creat- ing a work environment that fosters health and well- being. In the light of the above statistics, increasing emphasis is being given to measures to prevent occu- pational injuries n which again places great emphasis on the original design of both the work environment and the equipment used. Sveinsdóttir writes about the importance of setting clear objectives during the design stage, which can then be followed through in the ensuing process. Also, stricter regulations are like- ly to be the norm in the future. In short, the success of companies is in no small part due to the well-being of its employees, and in that regard, the role of the designer is vital. ■ FORMFEGURÐ fóBERKER ARSYS® er til í fimm mismunandi geröum. ARSYS® er ný <)g gla'sileg lína af rofum og tenglum. % ^ ARSYS® siimcinar fomifegiircS og g;eöi. I EHF -þjónusta i þína þágu- Vatnagörðum 10 - Sími 568 5854 - Fax 568 9974
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