Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1999, Page 241
Genus Lophaster Verrill, 1878
Lophaster furcifer (Diiben and Koren,
1846) (Fig.4)
Fig. 4. Lophaster furcifer (Dtiben and Koren, 1984),
diameter up to 125 mm (Danielssen and Koren, 1884).
Mynd 4. Lophaster furcifer (Diiben og Koren, 1984),
tvørmát upp i 125 mm (Ur Danielssen og Koren,
Synonyms: Chaetaster borealis Diiben 1845; Solaster
furcifer Diiben and Koren 1846
Reference to best description of the species:
Mortensen (1927: 116-117, Fig. 69); Clark and
Downey (1992: 299-300, Pl. 73c,d)
BioFar stations: 115 (1), 117(1), 119 (1), 230 (1), 467
(1), 503 (1), 532 (1), 533 (1), 534 (1), 540 (2), 726
(1), 747(1), 769(1), 9018(1)
Other records: Faroe-Shetland Channel (Bell 1892)
Bathymetrical range within the area: 364 - 703 m
Substrate: clay, gravel, stones
Temperature: 2.0°C (measured); estimated: -0.6° -
Water mass: AW, AW/AI, AI, AI/NW, NW
World distribution: In the West Atlantic south to c.
41 °N and Bermuda; in the East Atlantic in the
Faroe-Shetland Channel, Lousy Bank and north-
west of Scotland, Svalbard and the Siberian Sea
south to c. 59°N on the Norwegian coast
(Mortensen 1927).
Worlđ bathymetrical range: 6 - 1,100 m
Genus Solaster Forbes, 1839
Solaster endeca (Linne, 1771)
Synonyms: Asterias endeca Linne 1771
Reference to best description of the species:
Mortensen (1927: 115-116, Fig. 68); Clark and
Downey (1992: 303-305, Pl. 74a, b)
BioFar stations: 3 (2), 781 (1)
BioFar 2 stations: 1008 (1)
Other records: SW of Suðuroy, the Kaldbakfjord, SW
of Mykines Holmur and south of Nolsoy
(Mortensen 1924)
Bathymetrical range within the area: 80 - 103 m
Substrate: shell-sand
Temperature: 7.8° - 8.2°C (measured)
Watermass: AW
World distribution: Circumboreal: In the Western At-
lantic south to Cape Cod; in the Eastem Atlantic
from Svalbard south to Kattegat, the Faroes, the
Irish Sea and west of Ireland; in the Pacific south
to Puget Sound.
World bathymetrical range: 0 - 549 m.
Genus Diploteraster Verrill, 1880
Diplopteraster multipes (M. Sars, 1866)
(Map 7)
Synonyms: Pteraster multipes M. Sars 1866; Retaster
multipes Sladen 1889
Reference to best description of the species: Clark and
Downey (1992: 311-312, Pl.75 G)
BioFar stations: 6 (1)
Other records: SW of the Faroe Bank, 61°7’N,
9°33’W (Murray and Hjort 1912); Porcupine
Seabight and Rockall Trough (Harvey et al., 1988).
Bathymetrical range within the area: 231 m
Substrate: shell-sand
Temperature: 7.5°C (estimated)
Water mass: AW
World distribution: Arctic circumpolar: In the W. At-
lantic south to off Cheasapeake Bay; in the E. At-
lantic south to the County Vestfold in Norway.
The species is also found off South Africa and in
the Pacific Ocean south to San Diego, Califomia
and the Gulf of Sumga, Japan (Clark and Downey,