Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1999, Side 269
- The Central Hospital, FQ-100 Tórshavn
Akagi, H., Grandjean, P., Takizawa, Y. and Weihe, P.
1998. Methylmercury dose estimation from umbili-
cal cord concentrations in patients with minemata
disease. Environmental Research, section A 77: 98-
Dalberg, J., Jacobsen, O., Storm, H.H., Egholm, M.,
Niclasen, S.D., Joensen, H.D. and Weihe, P.M. Can-
cerregistrering pá Færøeme. Ueeskrift for Læger
160/21, 3058-3062, 1998.
Grandjean, P. and Weihe, P. 1998. A new era of mer-
cury hazards. Environmental Research, section A
77: 67.
Grandjean, P., Weihe, P., White, R.F. and Debes, F.
1998. Cognitive performance of children prenatally
exposed to ”safe” levels of methylmercury. Envi-
ronmental Research, section A 77: 165- 172.
Wang, A.G., Vang, M., Mors, O., Nyegaard, M., Krnse,
T.A. and Ewald. H. 1998. Human population genet-
ics in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 46: 9-16.
Landsdjóralæknin - Head of Faroese vet-
erinarians, FO-410 Kollafjørður.
Bloch, D. and Olsen, J. 1998. Progress Report on marine
mammal research 1996. North Altantic Marine
Mammal Commission, Annual Report 1997: 205-
Onnur - Other scientists in and outside the
Faroes working with Faroese projects.
Andreassen, S. 1998. Havhestalús í 1996. Frágreiðing
frá Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag 12: 30-34.
Bennike, O. 1998. Environmental change in ice-free
Greenland: a review. Fróðskaparrit 46: 305-309.
Bennike, O., Bocher, J., Konradi, P., Kuijpers, A. and
Larsen, B. 1998. Macrofossil studies of lacustrine
sediments from Skálafjørður, the Faroe Islands: pre-
liminary results. Fróðskaparrit 46: 267-275.
Blackford, J.J. 1998. Holocene climatic variability in
the North Atlantic region as shown by peat bog
records. Fróðskaparrit 46: 155-162.
Bradwell, T. 1998. Climate induced twentieth-century
glacier fluctuations in southeast Iceland. Fróðskap-
arrit 46: 319-332.
Buckland, P.C. 1998. The three pioneers. Dedication.
Fróðskapa rrit 46: 145-146.
Buckland, P.C., Edwards, K.J. and Sadler, J.P. 1998.
Early Holocene investigations at Saksunardalur and
the origins of the Faroese biota. Fróðskaparrit 46:
Buckland, Paul C., Kevin J. Edwards, K.J., Jon P. Sadler,
J.P. and Mark H. Dinnin, M.H. 1998. Late holocene
insect faunas from Mykines, Faroe Islands, with ob-
servations on associated pollen and early settlement
records. Fróðskaparrit 46: 287-296.
Buckland, Paul C. Mark H. and Dinnin. 1998. Insect
faunas at Landnám: a palaeoentomological study at
Tjømuvík, Streymoy, Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit
46: 277-286.
Christiansen, Hans G. and Erik Hansen. 1998. An island
biogeographical analysis of the flora in the Faroe Is-
lands Fróðskaparrit 46: 17-32.
Clemmentsen, Ó. 1998. Grindadráp í Sandoynni.
Kvørnin 1: 28-35.
Dugmore Andrew J. and Anthony J. Newton. 1998.
Holocene tephra layers in the Faroe Islands.
Fróðskaparrit 46: 191-204.
Edwards, K.J., Buckland, P.C., Craigie, R., Panagio-
takopulu, E. and Hansen, S.S. 1998. Landscapes at
Landnám: palynological and palaeoentomological
evidence from Toftanes, Faroe Islands. Fróðskapar-
rit 46: 229-244.
Edwards, K.J. and Cragie, R. 1998. Palynological and
vegetational changes associated with the deposition
of Saksunarvatn ash in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskap-
arrit 46: 245-258.
Gammeltoft, P. Høvuðbrýggj hjá navnafrøðingi.
(Poulsen, J.H.W. translated ffom Danish). Málting
8,3: 2-8.
Hannon, G.E., Hermanns-Auðardóttir, M. and Waste-
gárd, S. 1998. Human impact at Tjømuvík on the
Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 46: 215-228.
Højgaard, D.P. 1998. Life cycle of Whaleworm,
Anisakis simplex (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea), and its
infection of saithe, Pollachius virens (L.). PhD The-
sis at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Helsingør,
Københavns Univrsitet: 1-99.
Højgaard, D.P. 1998. Impact of temparature, salinity
and light on hatching of eggs of Anisakis simplex
(Nematoda: Anisakidae), isolated by a new method,
and some remarks on survival of larvae. Sarsia 83:
Højgaard, D.P. 1998. Fiskisníkar. Fiskirannsóknir 8:
Højgaard, D.P. 1998. Táknutrøll f toski. Fiskirannsóknir
8: 99-106.