Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Side 158
Journal of English and Germanic Philology 1929,
XXI, bls. 183—184 (G. T. Flom).
XIV. bindi. Icelandic books oj the seventeenth
century 1601—1700. 1922. (viii), xiii, 121 bls.
Ritdómar: Nord. tidskr. f. bok- och biblioteks-
vasen 1923, X, bls. 48—50. (Sigfús Blöndal). — The
American Historical Review 1923, XXVIII, bls. 396.
— Cornell Alumni News 1922, XXV, 10. tbl., bls.
133. — Skírnir 1923, XCVII, bls. 204—205. (Páll
Eggert Ólason). — Eimreiðin 1923, XXIX, bls. 190.
(Magnús Jónsson). -— Literarisches Zentralblatt
1924, LXXV, 467. dálkur. (Paul Herrmann).
XV. bindi. lón Guðmundsson and his Natural
History of Iceland. 1924. (vi), xxviii, 40 bls. xi mbl.
Ritdómar: The American Historical Review, jan.
1925, XXX, bls. 432. — Literarisches Zentral-
blatt 1926, LXXVII, 1267.—1268. dálkur. (Eugen
Mogk). — Journal of English and Germanic Philo-
logy 1928, XXVII, bls. 111—114. (Lee M. Holland-
er). — Eimreiðin 1925. XXXI, bls. 94. (Sveinn Sig-
XVI. bindi. Eggert Óiafsson. A biographical
sketch. 1925. vi, 56 bls.
Ritdómar: Journal of English and Germanic
Philology 1928, XXVII, bls. 111—114. (Lee M.
Hollander). — Eimreiðin 1926, XXXII, bls. 286—
287. (Sveinn Sigurðsson). — Skírnir 1927, CI, bls.
227—[231]. (Sigurður Nordal). — Cornell Alumni
News 1926, XXVIII, bls. 408.
XVII. bindi. Two cartographers. Gudbrandur
Thorláksson and Thórdur Thorláksson. 1926. x, 44
bls. 11 mbl.
Ritdómar: Lögberg 30. des. 1926. — Anzeiger fiir
deutsches Altertum 1927, XLVI, bls. 68—69. (Paul
Herrmann). — The Library Association Record,
sept. 1927, N. S. V, bls. 193. (E. L.) — The Geogra-
phical Review 1927, XVII, bls. 334—335. — Peter-
manns Mitteilungen, Geographisches Literatur-
bericht 1928, LXXIV, bls. 48. (H. Erkes). —
Literaturblatt fur germanische und romanische
Philologie 1930, LI, 9,—10. tbl., 328.-329.
dálkur. (Helmut de Boor). — Eimreiðin 1927,
XXXIII, bls. 110. (Sveinn Sigurðsson). — Lögrétta
4. febr. 1927. — Journal of English and Germanic
Philology 1928, XXVII, bls. 111—114. (Lee M.
Hollander). — Cornell Alumni News 1927, XXIX,
bls. 372. — (Dansk) Historisk Tidsskrift 1928—9,
9. Række, VI, bls. 331—332. (Finnur Jónsson).
XVIII. bindi. Sir Joseph Banks and Iceland. 1928.
xii, 99 bls. 24 mbl.
Ritdómar: (Dansk) Historisk Tidsskrift 1928
—9, 9. Række, VI, bls. 331—332. (Finnur Jóns-
son). — Lögberg 3. maí 1928. (Richard Beck).
— Lesbók Morgunblaðsins 29. apr. 1928. —
Notes and Queries 7. júlí 1928, CLV, 1. tbl.,
bls. 18. —- The Times Literary Supplement 24.
maí 1928, XXVII, bls. 398. — Scottish Ilistori-
cal Review júlí 1928. —- Cornell Alumni News
júlí 1928, XXX, 39. tbl., bls. 484. — Lögrétta
15. ág. 1928. (Indriði Einarsson). — The Geograph-
ical Journal 1928, LXXII, bls. 282. (J.H.R.) —
Revue germanique 1929, XX, 3. tbl., bls. 280.
(F[ernand] M[ossé]). — Nature 2. marz 1929,
CXXIII, bls. 312. — Petermanns Mitteilungen, Geo-
graphischer Literaturbericht 1930, LXXVI, bls. 149.
(H. Rudolphi). — Isis 1929, XIII, bls. 186. (J. K.
W.) —- Ársrit Fræðafélagsins 1930, XI, bls. 145—
147. (Sigfús Blöndal).
XIX. bindi. Icelandic Manuscripts. 1929. viii, 80
bls. 8 mbl.
Ritdómar: Comell Alumni News 1929, XXXI,
40. tbl., bls. 488. — Anzeiger fúr deutsches Altertum
1929, XLVIII, bls. 154. (E. Schröder). — Lögrétta
11. sept. 1929. — Eimreiðin 1930, XXXVI, bls. 93.
(Jón Helgason). — Journal of English and Germ-
anic Philology 1930, XXIX, bls. 308-310. (Richard
Beck). — Speculum 1931, VI, bls. 312—313. (F. S.
Cawley). — Nordisk tidskrift för bok- och biblio-
teksvásen 1931, XVIII, bls. 224—227. (Sigfús Blön-
dal). — Literaturblatt fúr germanische und roman-
ische Philologie 1932, LIII, 13.—16. dálkur. (H.
Spehr). — Skírnir 1929, CIII, bls. 241. (Páll Egg-
ert Ólason). — Joumal of English and Germanic
Philology, 1933, XXXII, bls. 89—90. (Lee M. Hol-
XX. bindi. The Book of the lcelanders (Islend-
ingabók) by Ari Þorgilsson. Edited and translated
with an introductory essay and notes. 1930. (ii),
vii, 89 bls.
Ritdómar Bibliographie geographique 1930,
XL, bls. 528. — Mitteilungen der Islandfreunde 1.
febr. 1930, XVIII, bls. 28—29. (W. Heidenreich).—
Eimreiðin 1930, XXXVI, bls. 435—437. (Guðmund-
ur Finnbogason).— Lesbók Morgunblaðsins 24. ág.
1930. — Geographical Review 1931, XXI, bls. 155—
156. — Deutsche Literaturzeitung 1930, LI, 2276.—