Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 158

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1959, Síða 158
158 RITSKRÁ HALLDÓRSHERMANNSSONAR Journal of English and Germanic Philology 1929, XXI, bls. 183—184 (G. T. Flom). XIV. bindi. Icelandic books oj the seventeenth century 1601—1700. 1922. (viii), xiii, 121 bls. Ritdómar: Nord. tidskr. f. bok- och biblioteks- vasen 1923, X, bls. 48—50. (Sigfús Blöndal). — The American Historical Review 1923, XXVIII, bls. 396. — Cornell Alumni News 1922, XXV, 10. tbl., bls. 133. — Skírnir 1923, XCVII, bls. 204—205. (Páll Eggert Ólason). — Eimreiðin 1923, XXIX, bls. 190. (Magnús Jónsson). -— Literarisches Zentralblatt 1924, LXXV, 467. dálkur. (Paul Herrmann). XV. bindi. lón Guðmundsson and his Natural History of Iceland. 1924. (vi), xxviii, 40 bls. xi mbl. Ritdómar: The American Historical Review, jan. 1925, XXX, bls. 432. — Literarisches Zentral- blatt 1926, LXXVII, 1267.—1268. dálkur. (Eugen Mogk). — Journal of English and Germanic Philo- logy 1928, XXVII, bls. 111—114. (Lee M. Holland- er). — Eimreiðin 1925. XXXI, bls. 94. (Sveinn Sig- urðsson). XVI. bindi. Eggert Óiafsson. A biographical sketch. 1925. vi, 56 bls. Ritdómar: Journal of English and Germanic Philology 1928, XXVII, bls. 111—114. (Lee M. Hollander). — Eimreiðin 1926, XXXII, bls. 286— 287. (Sveinn Sigurðsson). — Skírnir 1927, CI, bls. 227—[231]. (Sigurður Nordal). — Cornell Alumni News 1926, XXVIII, bls. 408. XVII. bindi. Two cartographers. Gudbrandur Thorláksson and Thórdur Thorláksson. 1926. x, 44 bls. 11 mbl. Ritdómar: Lögberg 30. des. 1926. — Anzeiger fiir deutsches Altertum 1927, XLVI, bls. 68—69. (Paul Herrmann). — The Library Association Record, sept. 1927, N. S. V, bls. 193. (E. L.) — The Geogra- phical Review 1927, XVII, bls. 334—335. — Peter- manns Mitteilungen, Geographisches Literatur- bericht 1928, LXXIV, bls. 48. (H. Erkes). — Literaturblatt fur germanische und romanische Philologie 1930, LI, 9,—10. tbl., 328.-329. dálkur. (Helmut de Boor). — Eimreiðin 1927, XXXIII, bls. 110. (Sveinn Sigurðsson). — Lögrétta 4. febr. 1927. — Journal of English and Germanic Philology 1928, XXVII, bls. 111—114. (Lee M. Hollander). — Cornell Alumni News 1927, XXIX, bls. 372. — (Dansk) Historisk Tidsskrift 1928—9, 9. Række, VI, bls. 331—332. (Finnur Jónsson). XVIII. bindi. Sir Joseph Banks and Iceland. 1928. xii, 99 bls. 24 mbl. Ritdómar: (Dansk) Historisk Tidsskrift 1928 —9, 9. Række, VI, bls. 331—332. (Finnur Jóns- son). — Lögberg 3. maí 1928. (Richard Beck). — Lesbók Morgunblaðsins 29. apr. 1928. — Notes and Queries 7. júlí 1928, CLV, 1. tbl., bls. 18. —- The Times Literary Supplement 24. maí 1928, XXVII, bls. 398. — Scottish Ilistori- cal Review júlí 1928. —- Cornell Alumni News júlí 1928, XXX, 39. tbl., bls. 484. — Lögrétta 15. ág. 1928. (Indriði Einarsson). — The Geograph- ical Journal 1928, LXXII, bls. 282. (J.H.R.) — Revue germanique 1929, XX, 3. tbl., bls. 280. (F[ernand] M[ossé]). — Nature 2. marz 1929, CXXIII, bls. 312. — Petermanns Mitteilungen, Geo- graphischer Literaturbericht 1930, LXXVI, bls. 149. (H. Rudolphi). — Isis 1929, XIII, bls. 186. (J. K. W.) —- Ársrit Fræðafélagsins 1930, XI, bls. 145— 147. (Sigfús Blöndal). XIX. bindi. Icelandic Manuscripts. 1929. viii, 80 bls. 8 mbl. Ritdómar: Comell Alumni News 1929, XXXI, 40. tbl., bls. 488. — Anzeiger fúr deutsches Altertum 1929, XLVIII, bls. 154. (E. Schröder). — Lögrétta 11. sept. 1929. — Eimreiðin 1930, XXXVI, bls. 93. (Jón Helgason). — Journal of English and Germ- anic Philology 1930, XXIX, bls. 308-310. (Richard Beck). — Speculum 1931, VI, bls. 312—313. (F. S. Cawley). — Nordisk tidskrift för bok- och biblio- teksvásen 1931, XVIII, bls. 224—227. (Sigfús Blön- dal). — Literaturblatt fúr germanische und roman- ische Philologie 1932, LIII, 13.—16. dálkur. (H. Spehr). — Skírnir 1929, CIII, bls. 241. (Páll Egg- ert Ólason). — Joumal of English and Germanic Philology, 1933, XXXII, bls. 89—90. (Lee M. Hol- lander). XX. bindi. The Book of the lcelanders (Islend- ingabók) by Ari Þorgilsson. Edited and translated with an introductory essay and notes. 1930. (ii), vii, 89 bls. Ritdómar Bibliographie geographique 1930, XL, bls. 528. — Mitteilungen der Islandfreunde 1. febr. 1930, XVIII, bls. 28—29. (W. Heidenreich).— Eimreiðin 1930, XXXVI, bls. 435—437. (Guðmund- ur Finnbogason).— Lesbók Morgunblaðsins 24. ág. 1930. — Geographical Review 1931, XXI, bls. 155— 156. — Deutsche Literaturzeitung 1930, LI, 2276.—
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