Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1969, Page 60
(1) Anderson, K. A., 1942: Fiskar och Fiske i Norden, Bd. I & II.
(2) liigeloxu, H. B., 1963: Interim Account of Family Alepocephalidae. — Fishes
of the Western Nortli Atlantic, l’art 3.
(3) Brandes, C. H., Kotthaus, A., 1960: Rare Fish B. Records of the Inst.
fiir Meeresf. and the Abt. Fischereibiol. des Biol Anst. Helgol. Brenier-
iiaven. — Ann. biol. Vol. no. XV.
(4) Collett, R-, 1905: Fiske insamlede under „Michael Sars“s togter i Nord-
havet 1900—1902. — Rep. on Norw. Fishery and Marine Invest. Vol.
II, No. 3.
(5) Ehrenbaum, E., 1936: Naturgeschichte und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der
Seefische Nordeuropas.
(6) Guðjónsson, Þ., 1961: Occurrence of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gor-
buscha) in Iceland in 1960 and 1961. — ICES, C.M.
(7) Jenkins, Travis ]., 1936: The F'ishes of the British Isles, Second ed. repr.
(8) Jónsson, G., 1967: „Sjaldgæíir fiskar“, sem Fiskideild og Hafrannsókna-
stofnuninni hafa borizl 1955—1966. — Ægir 2.-3. tbl.
(9) — 1967: Tvær nýjar fisktegundir við ísland. — Ægir, 18. tbl.
(10) — 1965: Sjaldgæfir fiskar. — Ægir 4.-5. tbl.
(11) — 1968: Sitthvað um sjaldgæfa fiska. — Nfr. 37. árg.
(12) Kollhaus, A. und Krefft, G., 1957: Fischfaunenliste der Fahrten mit
F. F. S. „Anton Dohrn“ nach Island—Grönland. — Ber. Dtsch. Wiss.
Komm. Meeresforsch. XIV, 3.
(13) Magnússon, ]., 1957: Fiskimiðaleitir 1957. — Ægir 17. tbl.
(14) liae, B. B., Wilson, E., 1958: Rare Fish from Distant Norlhern Seas. —
Ann. Biol. Vol. XIII.
(15) Schultz, L. P., 1964: Family Sternoptychidae. — Fishes of the Western
North Atlantic, Part 4.
(16) Samundsson, B., 1908: Oversigt over Islands Fiske. — Skr. udg. af Komm.
f. Havunders. 5.
(17) - 1926 og 1957: Fiskarnir.
(18) — 1949: Marine Pisces — Tlie Zoology of Iceland, Vol. IV, Part 72.
(19) Viglundsson, Þ. Þ., 1956: Söfnin í Eyjum. — Blik, 25. árg.
Some new species of fish in Icelandic waters
by Gunnar Jónsson, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavík
The species of fish around Iceland have been described in the works of
Sæmundsson (1908, 1926, 1949, 1957). Since 1957 some new species have been
found in Icelandic waters and this article deals with them. In addition, there are
mentioned four other species founcl during 1952—1956, but not described in