Fréttablaðið - 14.05.2011, Blaðsíða 63

Fréttablaðið - 14.05.2011, Blaðsíða 63
LAUGARDAGUR 14. maí 2011 13 Laus störf hjá Hagstofu Íslands Sérfræðingar í landbúnaðartölfræði Hagstofa Íslands óskar eftir að ráða tvo metnaðarfulla og áhugasama starfsmenn til starfa við að byggja upp landbúnaðartölfræði. Starfið felst í vinnu við þróun og uppbyggingu á landbúnaðar tölfræði, m.a. um fram- leiðslu á landbúnaðar afurðum, verðvísitölum og einingaverði í land búnaði. Forsenda ráðninga er tímabund- inn styrkur til uppbyggingar á landbúnaðartölfræði fram til apríl 2013. Hæfniskröfur Háskólapróf í hagfræði eða skyldum greinum Nákvæmni og skipulögð vinnubrögð Þekking á landbúnaðarhagfræði er kostur Reynsla af gagnagrunnsvinnslu (SQL) er kostur Reynsla af tölfræðilegri úrvinnslu er kostur Samskipta- og skipulagsfærni til að vinna að umfangsmiklum samvinnuverkefnum Um er að ræða fullt starf og er æskilegt að þeir sem ráðnir verða geti hafið störf sem fyrst. Laun eru sam- kvæmt kjarasamningi fjármálaráðuneytisins og hlutaðeigandi stéttarfélags. Umsóknar frest ur er til og með 23. maí 2011 og skulu umsóknir berast á eftirfarandi póstfang: Starfsum sókn, Borgar túni 21a, 150 Reykjavík, eða rafrænt á netfangið Öllum umsóknum verður svarað og umsækjendum tilkynnt um ráðstöfun starfsins þegar ákvörðun hefur verið tekin. Nánari upplýs- ingar veitir Ólafur Arnar Þórðarson [], sími 528 1000. Borgartúni 21a 150 Reykjavík  528 1000 Hagstofa Íslands gegnir forystuhlutverki í opinberri hagskýrslugerð og mikill metnaður einkennir starfið sem þar fer fram. Hlutverk Hagstofu Íslands er að veita tölfræðilegar upplýsingar um þjóðfélagsleg málefni og tryggja að áreið- anleiki og óhlutdrægni séu í fyrirrúmi í opinberri hagskýrslugerð. Alþjóðlegt samstarf er öflugt og þróunar vinna skipar veglegan sess í starfsemi stofnunar- innar. Nánari upplýsingar má finna á vef Hagstofunnar, JOB REFERENCE : 10/11 Questions regarding general infor- mation and/or the post may be posed to Mr Ólafur Aðalsteinsson, Deputy Director of Administration, tel +32 (0)2 286 18 95. Questions regarding the recruitment process may be posed to Mrs Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant, on +32 (0)2 286 18 93. EFTA Surveillance Authority webpage: The successful candidate will carry out day-to-day operations and projects in the areas of Information Management, monitor working routines for the Authority’s depart- ments, and user support. Role description: Administration is responsible for strategy, planning, procurement, implementation and maintenance of the complete Infor - mation and Com mu nication technology (ICT) infrastructure of the Authority. The main responsibility of the vacant posi- tion is day-to-day operations of our Information Management System (Hum - ming bird), as well as other ICT systems mainly based on Microsoft products, and monitor associated working routines for different departments. For example: Monitor compliance with manuals and information management principles as well as fulfilling needs for statistical reporting, Plan and implement upgrades and/or replacements of information manage- ment/document management systems, Draft official documents (project plans, letters, decisions, contracts, tender docu- ments etc) and manuals, Depending on competences, back-up func- tions for other IT or system operations. Essential: l Relevant work experience with document management systems, day-to-day opera- tions and user support. Ex pe rience with Hummingbird Docu ment Management sys- tem is an advantage. l Relevant higher education in the field of Information Management, computer sci- ences, information sciences, or equiva- lent. l Advanced SQL knowledge/certification. l Familiarity with the infrastructure used by the Authority, based on standard Micro - soft products including Windows Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server, Windows 7 workstations and MS office 2007. l Efficiency, service attitude and reliability to match the multiple areas of function of the position, including ability to relate effectively with staff at all levels, will be required. l Excellent command of written and spoken English (the working language of the Authority). l Good organisational and communication skills. l Flexibility and ability to work both inde- pendently and in a team. Desirable: l Knowledge of EFTA languages (Nor we gian or Icelandic in particular). l Interest and experience in international affairs, especially European issues. l Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). l Experience in .Net and Java environ- ments. Performance indicators: The performance indicators for this position include subject matter knowledge, analytical skills and problem-solving, quality and result orientation, oral and written communication and presentation skills, compliance with in - ternal rules, processes and instructions, as well as sociability and teamwork, autonomy, motivation to work, transfer of knowledge and advanced ICT skills. Conditions : The position is placed at grade A4/1 of the salary scale, starting at € 81.591,72 per year. Depending on, inter alia, the can- didate’s family status, allowances and benefits may apply. Favorable tax condi- tions apply. Overview of conditions at: http://www. vacancies/recruitment-policy. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, the Authority will also consider other applications, pri- marily those of nationals of the other States that are party to the EEA Agre ement. The applicants must be entitled to full citizen rights and be of good repute. Start date: Early 2012 Type and duration of appointment: fixed-term contract of three years. Job title : Officer. If considered desirable, an additional fixed-term contract of three years may be offered. Deadline for application: 19 June 2011 Interviews: July/August 2011 Application must be filled in and sent online at the following address: The EFTA Surveillance Authority monitors compliance with European Economic Area rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling them to participate in the European internal market. In monitoring and enforcing the EEA Agreement, the Authority has powers that correspond to those of the European Commission. The Authority is based in Brussels and operates independently of the EFTA States. The Authority is led by a College which consists of three members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. Information Management Officer Sumarstarf - sölukona 30+ Óskum eftir duglegri sölukonu til starfa í júní, júlí og ágúst. Áfyllingar í búðum, símsala og ýmis tilfallandi verkefni. Þarf að geta hafið störf sem fyrst. Uppl. sendast á, merkt „sala 30+”
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