Ritmennt - 01.01.2004, Qupperneq 163

Ritmennt - 01.01.2004, Qupperneq 163
RITMENNT ABSTRACTS of Priests), which eventually became an extensive and well-known collection. It is conceivable that transcribing the life of the Reverend Jón was the spark that led to Sighvatur's large collection of priest's lives and was thus a turning point in Sighvatur's scholarly career. Jón Sigurðsson tried his hand at various things during his lifetime, and his history is interesting in many ways. Before he became a priest he was engaged in teaching and commerce. He wrote the description of his parish for the large work commissioned in Copenhagen (printed in Sóknalýsingai Vestfiarða II, 1952); he was interested in the awakening political affairs of Iceland; lre wrote poetry and was an excellent lin- guist. He became a figure in a number of follctales from the West Fjords. The introduction to this edition describes the various aspects of Jón's life,- his poems and other materials are printed in appendices. This summary of his life is preserved in the Manuscript Department of the National and University Library of Iceland, under the signum JS 372 8vo. Ögmundur Helgason: Sltáldsögur Indriða G. Þor- steinssonar. Persónulegur sagnaspegill af upp- eldisslóðum höfundarins. Ritmennt 9 (2004), pp. 134-44. The Icelandic autlror Indriði G. Þorsteinsson published six novels during the years 1955 to 1987. These novels all talce place in tlie region where he spent his childliood and youth and are more or less based on his own experience, or events which took place in those parts during tlie depression years of the 1930s and up until the end of the Second World War. During these years tlie farmer community of the past gradually changed due to technical progress which caused changes of both a secular and spiritual nature. Although tlie plot is usually taken from the author's own ex- perience, it is never permitted to talce precedence over literary style. Indriði uses the art of under- statement expertly in his novels as the unknown authors of thc Icelandic Sagas did before lrim. In this way he continues in the tradition of liis ancestors. Sópuður. Ritmennt 9 (2004), pp. 145-56. A miscellany containing an account of a research project on the preservation of the musi- cal heritage of Iceland in manuscripts from the period 1550-1850 (by Guðrún Laufey Guðmunds- dóttir, pp. 145-54), and a description of a project, now completed, that involved adding over 200 maps from the Central Bank of Iceland to tlie Library's website 'Antique rnaps of Iceland' (http://lcort.bolc.hi.is) (by Jölcull Sævarsson; pp. 155-56). 159
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