

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1956, Blaðsíða 4

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1956, Blaðsíða 4
L Æ KNABLAÐIÐ STECLIN Squibb Tetracycline the better tolerated broad spectrum antibiotic Steclin is an effective therapeutic agent for infections caused hy most gram-positive and gram- negative hacteria, certain large viruses, various Rickettsiae, and Endamoeba histolytica. — Many clinicians consider Steclin the pi’e- feiTed broad spectrum antibiotic, particulai'ly because it is better tolei-ated and pruduces higher hlood and urinaiy levels than its analogues. MYCOSTATIN Squibb Nystatin the first safe antibiotic active against fungi Mycostatin pi’ovides antifungal activity to eliminate the danger of monilial overgi’otwth lrequently associated tvvith the administra- tion of oi'dinary hi-oad spectrum antibiotics. This overgroKvth may sometimes cause gastrointestinal distress, anal pruritus, vaginitis, and thruss; on occasion, it may have serious and even fatal sonse- quences. MYSTECLIN Squibb Tetracycline-Nystatin the safest, broadest spectrum antibiotic preparation Each Mysteclin capsule contains 250 mg. Tetra- cycline Hydrochloride and 250,000 units Nystatin. Minimum adult dose: 1 capsule q.i.d. Siipply: Bottles of 12 capsules.



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