

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1965, Side 30

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1965, Side 30
56 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Convalescent Serum against Meas- les. J. Am. M. Ass. 125 (1944), 20. (ásamt Skúla Thoroddsen og Hreiðari Ágústssyni): Vaccina- tion against Whooping Cough. J. Am. Med. Ass. 125 (1944), 200. Ofnæmi. Læknabl. 30 (1945), 49. Penicillin. Heilbrigt líf V (1945), 5. Mænusótt. Heilbrigt líf V (1945), 125. Læknar í hitabeltishernaði. Heil- brigt líf V (1945), 188. Rickets in Iceland. Am. Journ. of Med. Sciences 210 (1945), 70. Nokkrir ofnæmissjúklingar. Læknabl. 31 (1946), 33. Occurrence and Manifestations of Tuberculosis in Iceland. Acta Tub. Scand. 19 (1946), 275. Echinococcosis in Iceland. Am. Journ. of Med. Sciences 212 (1946) 12. The Problem of Medical Educa- tional Films. British Med. J. I (1946), 923. Experiments with Jaagsiekte. Am. Journ. of Path. 22 (1946), 737. Cardioartitis. Arch. of Pathology 42 (1946). Blekking og þekking. Rvík 1947. Rh-eiginleikar í blóði manna og sjúkdómar af völdum þeirra. Læknabl. 33 (1948), 81. Lung Carcinoma in Iceland. Er- indi flutt á 100 ára afmæli læknafélagsins í Budapest 1948. Lung Carcinoma in Iceland. Lancet 1950, 245. (ásamt J. Donegani, E. W. Ikin og A. E. Mourant). The Blood Groups of the Icelanders. Annals of Eugenics 15 (1950), 147. Measles encephalitis. Revue Belge de Pathologie et de Médecine Expérimentale 21 (1951), 241. Disparition de la maladie hydati- que in Islande. L’Afrique fran- gaise chirurgiale 1951, 392. Atherosclerosis and the Thyroid Gland. Second International Congress of Gerontology, St. Louis, 1951. Some Pecularities in the Geo- graphical Pathology of Iceland. Schweiz. Z. Path. Bakt. 16 (1953). Cancer in Iceland, with Special Reference to Stomach Cancer. Schweiz. Z. Path. Bakt. 18 (1955), 550. Cancer in Iceland. Ann. R. Coll. of Surgeons 16 (1955), 211. Looking for Orchids in South Ame- rica. American Orchid Society Bulletin 24 (1955). Eradication of Hydatid Disease in Iceland. New Zealand Med. Journ. 56 (1957), 212. (ásamt Halldóri Hansen). Peptic Ulcers in Iceland. Schweiz. Z. Path. Bakt. 21 (1958), 225. Cancer in Iceland. Cancer, Butter- worth & Co., London, 3 (1958), 262. Ekinokoksygdommens Udryddelse i Island. Nordisk Medicin 59 (1958), 458. (ásamt Þorgilsi Benediktssyni). Gastric Cancer and Atheroscle- rosis. Lancet 1958, 931. Pattern and Methods of full Time Practical Education before Prac- tice or Specialized Training. Second World Conference on Medical Education, Chicago, Sept. 1959. Guðmundur Hannesson, prófe.ssor. Andvari 83 (1958), 3. (ásamt E. Bailey). Polycyclic Hyd- rocarbons in Icelandic Smoked Food. Brit. J. of Cancer 12 (1958), 348. Können geraucherte Speisen Krebs- erzeugend sein? Der Krebsarzt 14 (1959).



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