

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1965, Page 73

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1965, Page 73
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 95 Monozygotic Twins with Schizo- phrenia. Presentation of two pairs of monozygotic twins: in the for- mer pair, both twins developed schizophrenia; in the latter, one is schizophrenic. Vol. 51:1; October 1965: pp. 4—10: Guðmundsson, G.: Oc- clusion of Middle Cerebral Ar- tery ajter Closed Injury. Case report, with extensive summary in English; and dis- cussion of .seven earlier cases reported in the literature. pp. 22—29: Jensson, Ó.: Algerian- Icelandic Family with Heredi- tary Elliptocytosis. This paper contains sum- marized clinical histories, he- matological observations, bio- chemical and serological genet- ic data on the family described. References and summary in English. VoZ. 51:2; December 1965: pp. 57—61: Gíslason, A.: Causes of Death in Alcoholics. In a twelve year survey of patients visiting an alcoholic cli- nic; it was found that fatal ac- cidents were four times more frequent in that group; suicides ten times more frequent, than in the general population. Other causes enumerated in English summary. pp. 81—86: Finnbogason, H.: Sur- gical Procedures in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Corrective hand-surgery in Rheumatoid Arthritis is discus- sed, with special emphasis on synovectomy as a procedure of choice in early cases.



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