

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1977, Page 37

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1977, Page 37
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 63 HEIMILDIR 1. Barraclough, B. M. Differences between national suicide rates. Brit. J. Psychiat. 122, pp. 95-96. 1973. 2. Farber, M. L. Theory of suicide. Funk & Wagnalls, New York. 1968. 3. Fremming, K. H. Ref. in 6 and 12. 1951. 4. Hagskýrslur Islands (Statistics of Iceland), Vol. 11, 44-47, pp. 43. 5. Hagstofa Islands. Hagskýrslur 1962-1973. 6. Helgason, T. Epidemiology of mental dis- orders in Iceland. Acta psychiat. Scand., Suppl. 173. 1964. 7. Hendin, H. Suicide and Scandinavia. Grune and Stratton, New York & London. 1964. 8. Hjortsjö, T. Nordisk suicidalstatistik. Nor- disk medicin, 89, pp. 170-171. 1974. 9. Suicide — A worid problem. The Lancet, Dec. 25. 1971. 10. Noreik, K. Attempted suicide and suicide in functional psychoses. Acta psycli, Scand. 52, pp. 81-106, Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 1975. 11. Noreik, K. Suicidalforsök og suicid. Tid- skrift for den norske lœgeforening 91, pp. 183-189. 1971. 12. Nyström, S., Olsfelt, Ch., Eriksson, C. G., Andén, T. Suicide in Gothenburg. Scand. J. Soc. Med. 2, pp. 53-58. 1973. 13. Ose, E. Suicidalforsök og suicide i relation til psykiske lidelser. Tidskrift for den norske lœgeforening 92, pp. 1174-1178. 1972. 14. Ólafsson, Ó., Sigfússon, N., Sigvaldason, H., Björnsson, O., Thorsteinsson, Th. Epidemio- logical study of cardiovascular and some other chronic diseases in Iceland. Reykja- vík 1969. 15. Pærregaard, G. Ref. in 10. 16. Retterstöl, N. Longterm prognosis after at- tempted suicide. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 1970. 17. Retterstöl, N. Suicide in Norway, offprint of suicide and attempted suicide, pp. 89-97. Nordiska bokhandelns förlag, Stockholm. 1972. 18. Retterstöl, N. Psykologiske og sociale fakt- orer ved suicid og suicidalforsök. Tidskrift for den horske lægeforening 92, pp. 1169- 1174. 1972. 19. Retterstöl, N., Strype, B. Personlig etter- undersökelse av suicidalforsökare som har vært innlagt i psykiatrisk sykehus. Tid- skrift for den norske lægeforening 94, pp. 491-494. 1974. 20. Retterstöl, N. Selvmord. Universitetsfor- laget, Oslo. 1970. 21. Ripley, H. S. Suicidal behavior in Edin- burgh and Seattle. Am. J. Psyclúatry 130:9, pp. 995-1000. 1973. 22. Sainsbury, P. Ref. in 1. 23. Stengel, E. Suicide and attempted suicide. Penguin Books Ltd. England. 1964. 24. Stengel, E. Internasjonal suicidalstatistikk. Tidskrift for den norslce lægeforening 92, pp. 1167-1169. 1972. 25. Sundby, P. Alcoholism and mortality. Uni- versitetsforlaget, Oslo. 1967. 26. Virkkunene, M. Suicides among alcoholics on social welfare rolls. Acta socio-medica Scand, 1, pp. 51-58. 1971. 27. WHO: W.H. statist. Rep. 1968, Vol. 21, No. 6. 28. WHO: W.H. statist. Rep. 1973, Vol. 26, No. 3. 29. WHO: Public health papers, No. 58, 1974. Suicide and attempted suicide. 30. WHO: Public health papers, No. 35, 1968. Prevention of suicide. 31. WHO: Glossary of mental disorders and guide to their classification, 1974. 32. WHO: International classification of dis- eases. Geneva 1967. 33. Ödegárd, Ö. Mortality in Norwegian psychiatric hospitals 1950-1962. Acta genet., Basel, 17:137-153. 1967. 34. Ödegárd, Ö. The excess mortality of the insane. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica 57, pp. 353-367. 1952.



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