

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1987, Page 11

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1987, Page 11
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 195 greindist, og hlutfallið hjá okkur er mun hærra en við sambærilega rannsókn (9) í Noregi (14,6%). Tímalengd barksterameðferðar fyrir myndun KS í þessum hópi var mjög breytileg (2-156 mánuðir), en allt voru þetta sjúklingar með langvarandi sjúkdóma, sjá töflu II. Barksterarnir valda ónæmisbælingu (17) og margir telja að ástand ónæmiskerfisins ráði mestu um framgang KS (3, 18). Það kom einnig fram í rannsókn okkar að minnkun barksteraskammta dró í fjórum tilfellum verulega úr framgangi KS, þó það væri einungis tímabundið hjá einum sjúklingi. Kaposisarkmein er ekki algengur fylgikvilli barksterameðferðar, en rétt gæti verið að leita að KS í húð hjá sjúklingum, sem fá barksterameðferð um lengri tíma, einkum eldra fólki með fótabjúg og einstaklingum, sem eru í áhættuhópum hvað varðar eyðni. ÞAKKIR Þakkir eru færðar læknum Vífilsstaðaspítala, Jónasi Hallgrímssyni prófessor, Reyni Valdimarssyni lækni, Hrafni Tuliníus prófessor, bókavörðum Landspítala, læknum krabbameinslækningadeildar, Halldóru Halldórsdóttur læknafulltrúa og Hrefnu Níelsdóttur ljósmyndara. SUMMARY This study describes the clinical and histopathological findings in 12 cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma diagnosed in Iceland in the period from November 1983 to October 1986. The cases were retrieved through the files of the Department of Pathology, University of Iceland, by computer search. The case material was compared with the files of the Icelandic Cancer Registry to ensure complete retrieval of all cases diagnosed in Iceland during this period. The incidence of KS in Iceland was found to be 1.38 cases/100,000/year. The material consisted of two epidemiological groups, classical KS (42%) and KS associated with immunosuppression by steroid treatment (58%). Clinical information was collected by review of hospital records, from the private physicians and partly by interviews and clinical examination of the patients. The mean age (78.1 vs. 71.6 years respectively), the sex ratio (4 males/1 female vs. 3 males/4 females) and the histological stages (patch, plaque, nodule) were different for these groups. The disease was slowly progressive in all cases and limited to the skin. Treatment consisted most commonly of local radiotherapy (75%) and the results were good. Local excision was successful in two cases with nodular lesions of the nose and eyelid. Three of the patients had other malignant tumors, ductal carcinoma of the breast, occult carcinoma of the prostate and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. It is proposed that corticosteroids may be a contributory factor in causing KS. It is recommended that the risk of Kaposi’s sarcoma should be considered, when elderly patients and patients at risk for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome have to be treated with immunosuppressive agents. HEIMILDIR 1. Kaposi M. Idiopathisches multiples Pigmentsarkom der Haut. Arch Dermatol Syph 1872; 4: 265-73. Tilvitnun frá Safai B (3). 2. Leu HJ, Odermatt B. Multicentric angiosarcoma (Kaposi’s sarcoma). Light and electron microscopic and immunohistological findings of idiopathic cases in Europe and Africa and of cases associated with AIDS. Virchows Arch Path 1985; 408; 29-41. 3. Safai B. Kaposi’s sarcoma: A review of the classical and epidemic forms. Ann NY Acad Sci 1984; 437: 373-82. 4. Pollack MS, Safai B, Myskowski PL et al. Frequencies of HLA and Gm immunogenetic markers in Kaposi’s sarcoma. Tissue Antigens 1983;21: 1-8. 5. O’Brien PH, Brasfield RD. Kaposi’s sarcoma. Cancer 1966; 19: 1497-502. 6. Safai B, Miké V, Giraldo G, et al. 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Kaposi’s sarcoma: An extensively disseminated form in young homosexual men. Hum Pathol 1982; 13: 882-92. 14. Haverkos HW, Drotman DP, Morgan M. Prevalence of Kaposi’s sarcoma among patients with AIDS. N Engl J Med 1985; 312: 1518. 15. Lever WF, Schaumburg-Lever G. Histopathology of the skin. 6th ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Co„ 1983. 16. Costa J, Rabson AS. Generalised Kaposi’s sarcoma is not a neoplasm. Lancet 1983; I: 58. 17. Fauci AS, Dale DC, Balow JE. Glucocorticosteroid therapy: Mechanisms of action and clinical considerations. Ann Intern Med 1976; 84: 304-15. 18. Ziegler JL, Templeton AC, Vogel CL. Kaposi’s sarcoma: A comparison of classical, endemic, and epidemic forms. Semin Oncol 1984; 11: 47-52.



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