

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1987, Síða 28

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1987, Síða 28
212 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Ef litið er á yngri aldurshópana, þá eru í 73ja-82ja ára hópnum tveir af 117 blindir eða 1,7%, en 0,8% í rannsókn Guðmundar Björnssonar (12) fyrir 75-84 ára fyrir allt landið. í nýlegri skoskri könnun á blindraskýrslum (23) eru sjónuskemmdir vegna sykursýki algengasta orsök blindu 45-64 ára, en enginn er blindur af völdum sykursýki í núverandi könnun og er ljóst að sykursýki veldur sjaldnar blindu hér á landi en í nágrannalöndunum (24). Núverandi og fyrri rannsóknir sýna að augnlækningaferðalög á vegum heilbrigðisþjónustu hafa og hafa haft mikið gildi bæði sem frumheilsugæsla augna og sem forvarnarstarf. Þakkir: Vísindasjóður hefur styrkt þetta verkefni. Vikar Pétursson verkfæðingur aðstoðaði við tölfræðilega útreikninga. SUMMARY Prevalence of Ocular Disease and Biindness in a Rural Area in the Eastern Region of Iceland 1980 through 1984. One of the authors (FJ) travelled 3 times a year during 1980 through 1984 providing ophthalmic services to a rural area in the Eastern Region of Iceland. By the lst of December 1982 the population 43 years of age and older was 925 persons. 751 persons or 81.2% had eye examination (table I). All patients with severe eye diseases were seen several times and some referred for further investigation to The University Eye Department in Reykjavik. Diagnostic criteria are the same as in the Framingham Eye Study in Massachusetts. Prevalence of cataract and aphakia as well as age and sex distribution are presented in table II and figure 1. Females outnumbered males by 3:2, when the sex distribution in the population had been accounted for. In the age group 53-82 years old there is a statistically significant difference in the occurrance of the disease between males and females (P<0.02). Women appear to develop cataract at an earlier age than men. The results for chronic simple glaucoma are presented in table III and figure 2. Males outnumbered females by 3:2 when the sex distribution in the population had been accounted for. Among persons 73 years of age and older there is a statistically significant difference in the occurrance of the disease between males and females (P<0.05). The results for age related macular degeneration are presented in table IV and figure 3. There was no difference between males and females. If the persons with age related macular degeneration are however divided into exudative and atrophic macular degeneration females outnumber males by 2:1 in the exudative group, which is mainly accounted for by over representation of females in the oldest age group, which indicates, that females in this age group may be more likely than males to develop the exudative type. Persons 83 years and older who had age related macular degeneration also had cataracts in all instances and open angle glaucoma in 23.8% of cases. Sixteen persons were legally blind i.e. had visual acuity < 6/60 in the better eye or visual field < 10° in the better eye. Eight persons thereof, were 83 years of age. Eleven of the legally blinds had mainly suffered severe visual loss because of macular degeneration, three because of primary open angle glaucoma and one patient who had cataracts and had refused operation, and one patient had suffered visual loss from choreoretinitis (Fig. 5). HEIMILDIR 1. Gögn frá Hagstofu Islands. 2. Leibowitz HM, Krueger DE, Maunder LR, et al. The Framingham Eye Study Monograph, Surv Ophthalmol 1980; 24: (suppl.). 3. Strategies for the Prevention of Blindness in National Programmes. Geneva: World Health Organisation 1984; pp,10& 84. 4. Guidelines for Programmes for the Prevention of Blindness. Geneva: World Health Organisation 1979; p.16. 5. Epidemiology and Statistics for the Ophthalmologist. Sommer A. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980. 6. Jónasson F. Ritstjórnargrein: Sjónbætandi aðgerðir með gerviaugasteinum. Læknablaðið, 1987; 73: 83-4. 7. Viggósson G, Björnsson G, Ingvason JG. The Prevalence of Open-Angle Glaucoma in Iceland. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 1986; 64: 138-41. 8. Björnsson G. Augnhagur Borgfirðinga. Læknaneminn 1978; 31: 5-18. 9. Jónasson F, Þórðarson K. Augnhagur 751 Austfirðings 43ja ára og eldri á árunum 1980-84. Könnun á gagnsemi staðlaðra lesgleraugna. Læknablaðið 1987; 73: 78-82. 10. Gibson JM, Rosenthal AR, Lavery J. A Study of the Prevalence of Eye Disease in the Elderly in an English Community. Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK; 1985; 104: 196-203. 11. Björnsson G. The Borgarnes Eye Study. Nordic Council Arctic Medical Research Report 1980; 26: 34-9. 12. Björnsson G. Blindness in Iceland. Acta Opthalmol Scand 1981; 59: 921-7. 13. Sperduto RD, Seigel D. Senile lens and senile macular changes in a population based sample. Am J Ophthalmol 1980; 90: 86-91. 14. Kahn HA, Leibowitz HM, Ganley JP, Kini MM, Colton T, Nickerson RS, Dawber TR. The Framingham Eye Study. Am J Epidemiol 1977; 106: 17-32. 15. Björnsson G, Viggósson G, Ingvason JG. Gláka á íslandi, fyrsta grein, Algengi hægfara gláku 1982. Læknablaðið 1984; 70: 121-9. 16. Anonymus. Editorial: Screening for Glaucoma. The Lancet 1977; aug. 27, 437-8. 17. Gottlieb LK, Schwartz B, Pauker SG. Glaucoma Screening. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Surv Ophthalmol 1983; 28: 206-26.



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