

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1990, Side 40

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1990, Side 40
306 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ these studies have been carried out on middle aged men. The results, however, have been interpreted as being also pertinent for women. The aim of this study was to investigate blood lipids as risk factors for CHD in women as studied both cross- sectionally and longitudinally. The population sample studied initially 1968-69 comprised 1462 women living in Göteborg at that time (participation rate 90.1%). They were selected according to certain age strata and predetermined birthdates divisible by six. The women were restudied six and 12 years later. In the cross- sectional study of myocardial infarction in woraen, women in the population study were used as a control group and compared with all women who survived MI in Göteborg during the period 1968- 70. The longitudinal follow-up is still going on, especially regarding causes of death. 24- year follow-up is planned for 1992-93. Studied cross-sectionally, there was a significant over- representation of women with M1 who had triglyceride values above the median values of the population sample. The cholesterol values of women with MI, however, were no higher than in the general population of women. Studied longitudinally it was found that women who had initial triglyceride values >2.2 mmol/1 had significantly increased risk for MI, stroke and death of all causes. In women with initial cholesterol levels > 8.0 mmol/1 only a trend for MI was seen. This, however, was not confirmed in multivariate analysis for cholesterol, but was still strongly positive for triglycerides after taking cholesterol into account as a confounding factor. The waste to hip ratio greater than 0.8 was also shown to be an independend risk factor for CHD in women. We conclude that elevation of serum triglycerides is the main lipid risk factor for CHD in women, and that elevated serum cholesterol is of minor importance. HEIMILDIR 1. 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