

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Page 35

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1991, Page 35
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 71 aðgerðir bættu ástand sjúklinga þannig að dvalartími þeirra á geðsjúkrahúsum styttist. Meðferð og hvers konar stuðningur er þessir sjúklingar og aðstandendur þeirra fá koma ekki í veg fyrir margvíslegar þjáningar, bæði meðal sjúklinganna sjálfra og aðstandenda þeirra. SUMMARY A questionnaire was developed to assess the burden of illness on patients and their relatives. Forty hospitalized psychiatric patients and their relatives were compared with 40 hospitalized non-psychiatric patients and their relatives. This paper studies in particular the implications of psychiatric illnesses compared to somatic illnesses regarding family functionings and burdens. Different factors of social support are also discussed. The impairment on patients’ relation in general and in family functioning was greater for psychiatric patients. No significance was found regarding feelings of emptiness and loneliness. Almost one half of relatives of psychiatric patients had consulted a doctor for their own problems caused by the patients. HEIMILDIR 1. Ólafur Þór Ævarsson, Lárus Helason. Viðbrögð sjúklinga og aðstandenda þeirra við álagi vegna veikinda. I. Innlagnir á geðdeildir og aðrar deildir. Læknablaðið 1989; 75: 283-6. 2. Ólafur Þór Ævarsson, Lárus Helgason. Viðbrögð sjúklinga og aðstandenda þeirra við álagi vegna veikinda. II: Meðferð á geðdeildum og öðrum deildum. Læknablaðið 1989; 75: 343-6. 3. Ólafur Þór Ævarsson, Lárus Helgason. Viðbrögð sjúklinga og aðstandenda þeirra við álagi vegna veikinda. III. Fjárhagslegt álag og röskun á starfsgetu. Læknablaðið 1990; 76: 509-12. 4. Avison WR, Speechly KN. The discharged psychiatric patient: A review of social, social-psychological and psychiatric correlates of outcome. Am J Psychiatry 1987; 144: 10-8. 5. Reynolds I, Hoult JE. The relatives of the mentally ill. A comparative trial of community-oriented and hospital-oriented psychiatric care. J Nerv Ment Dis 1984; 172: 480-9. 6. Kreisman D, Joy V. Family response to the mental illness of a relative: A review of the literature. Schizophrenia Bulletin 1974; 10: 34-57. 7. Troll EL. The family of late life. A recent view. J Marriage Family 1971; 33: 263-90.



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