

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1993, Qupperneq 15

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1993, Qupperneq 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 9 Subjects attending a semi-anonymous HIV testing site at Borgarspítalinn, Reykjavík, during a five year period (1987-1992) were asked to complete a questionnaire on several factors associated with increased risk of HIV infection and the reason for their request of being tested. Serum samples from the subjects were tested for antibodies against HIV, HBV and HCV. During the study period 475 sets of tests were performed on a total of 400 individuals. Three hundred thirty six individuals retumed 401 questionnaires. Sexual contact with prostitutes was reported by 30 males (40 instances) and one female; and 40 males (in 47 instances) and 18 females indicated promiscuous sexual behaviour. Homosexuality was reported by 15 males and one female. Seven individuals requested testing due to previous blood transfusion, and 5 reported i.v. drug abuse. A request from a third party (significant other, insurance company, etc.) was stated by 32 subjects. Two of the 400 subjects tested were HlV-positive (0.5%), and 9(2.3%) and 11 (2.8%) were found to have markers for HBV and HCV infection, respectively. A significant correlation was observed between HIV infection and homosexuality (P<0.05) and between HCV infection and i.v. drug abuse (P<0.0001). Overall a total of 136 subjects (41%) in the study reported behaviour associated with increased risk of HIV infection. This information supports the continued role of a semi-anonymous HIV testing site among the services offered by the health care system during the AIDS epidemic. HEIMILDIR 1. Arsfjórungsskýrsla Landlæknisembættisins. Fjöldi greindra einstaklinga með alnæmi og HIV smit á íslandi miðað við 30. júní 1992. Læknablaðið, Fréttabréf lækna 1992; 10(9): 24. 2. Landsáætlun um alnæmisvamir. Tillaga til heilbrigðisráðherra. Landsnefnd um alnæmisvamir. Reykjavík: Heilbrigðis- og tryggingamálaráðuneytið, ágúst 1990. 3. Centers for Disease Control. Update: universal precautions for preventions of transmissions of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B vims, and other blood bome pathogens in health care settings. MMWR. 1988; 37: 337-82. 4. Dean AG, Dean JA, Burton AH, Dicker RC. Epi Info, Version 5: a word processing, database, and statistical program for epidemiology on microcomputers. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.: Centers for Disease Conlrol, 1990. 5. Briem H, Weiland O, Einarsson EÞ, Sydow MV. Prevalence of Hepatitis B vims markers in Icelandic outpatients and hospital personnel in 1979 and in 1987. Scand J Infect Dis 1990; 22: 149-53. 6. Schmidt KW, Krasnik A, Zoffmann H, Brendstrup E, Kvinesdal B. HIV testing in Denmark: a nominator- denominator study. AIDS 1989 ; 3(9): 597-601. 7. Samardzija M, Ispanovic-Trosic I, Jagodic G, Samardzija G, Sersic K. AIDS-motivation of peoplc for testing (analysis of a questionnaire). Lijec-Vjesn 1990 ; 112(9-10): 294-7. 8. Olin R, Giesecke J, Hallqvist J, Lagergren M, Lidman K. Reasons for seeking HIV testing: results from a Swedish anonymous questionnaire. IV. Intemational Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, June 1988 (Abstract 6007). 9. Alter MJ, Hadler SC, Judson FN, et al. Risk factors for acute non-A, non-B hepatitis in the United States and association with hepatitis C vims infection. JAMA 1990; 264: 2231-5. 10. Jónsdóttir Ó, Einarsson EÞ, Guðmundsson S, Briem H. Smitandi lifrarbólgur A og B greindar á rannsóknadeild Borgarspítalans 1986-1989 og tengsl þeirra við fíkniefnaneyslu. Læknablaðið 1991; 77: 127-30. 11. Löve A. Lifrarbólguveira C. Læknablaðið 1991; 77: 343-7.



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