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- Postgfraduate Course in
Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
Götetorg, March 18-19, 1993
We cordially invite you to participate in tke ScanJinavian
PostgraJuate Course in Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery,
wliick is organizeJ ky tke Department of Surgery, at
Saklgren's Hospital, Götekorg.
We are proutl of kaving received approval from a num-
ker of international experts to give tkeir contrikutions,
suck as Prof. David Skinner, New York, USA, Prof.
Riidiger Siewert, Miincken, Germany and Dr. Bemard
Dallemagne, Liegé, Belgium.
Tke faculty includes also surgical expertise from
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formal as well as informal discussions.
Wedo look forward to seeing you soon in Götekorg.
Lars Olke & Lars Lundell
For information and any cnquiry you arc kinclly rcqucstcJ
to contact tkc Coursc Secretariat: ScanJinavian Post-
graJuatc Coursc in Uppcr Gastrointcstinal Surgcry,
Att. Sensc Congrcss Organhcr AB, Box 2082,
S-421 02 Vastra FrölunJa, Sw cJcn.
Td. +46 31 89 59 30, Fax. +46 31 47 04 94.