

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1993, Side 51

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1993, Side 51
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 45 alcohol problems of whom 57.5% had alcohol dependence syndrome. All except four had either personality disorders or disturbance of conduct. Approximately 70% of the prisoners had been treated in psychiatric hospitals for various reasons mostly alcoholism and personality disorders. At the end of the study at least 40% of the prisoners still continued their criminality. The results point to the fact that the methods used to prevent their criminal behaviour have not been successful. Other methods are discussed. HEIMILDIR 1. Helgason L. Rannsókn á íslenskum föngum. I. Afdrif og afbrotaferill. Læknablaðið 1992; 78: 251-5. 2. Dómsmálaskýrslur árin 1966-68. Hagskýrslur íslands 1973; 11.54. 3. Ólafsdóttir H. Kriminalitetstendenser i det islandske samfunn. Nordisk tidsskrift i kriminalvetenskab 1985; 72: 81-100. 4. Seltzer A, Langford A. Forensic psychiatric assessments in the northwest territories. Can J Psychiatry 1984; 29: 665-75. 5. McMillan J, Kofoed L. Sociobiology and antisocial personality. An altemative perspective. Nervous and mental disease 1984; 172: 701-6. 6. Fowles GT, Jones K. Social factors in criminal behaviour. Principles and practice of forensic psychiatry 1991: 135-42. 7. Blakely B, Stephenson PS, Nichol H. Social factors compared in a random sample of juvenile delinquents and controls. Int J Soc Psychiatry 1974; 20: 203- 2177. 8. Baldurssson G. Ritgerð til B.A. prófs. Reykjavík: Háskóli íslands, 1974. 9. Cadoret RJ, Gorman TW, Troughton E, Heywood E. Alcoholism and antisocial personality. Arc Gen Psychiatry 1985; 42: 161-7. 10. Bohman M, Cloninger R, Sigvardsson S, Knorring A. Predisposition to penalty criminality in Swedish adoptees. 1. Genetic and environmental heterogeneity. Arc Gen Psychiatry 1982; 39: 1233-41. 11. Gordon AM. Drug on delinquency. A ten year follow-up of drug clinic patients. Br J Psychiatry 1983; 142: 169-73. 12. Lamb HR. Schock R, Chen PW, Gross B. Psychiatric needs in local jails: Emergency issues. Am J Psychiatry 1984; 141: 774-7. 13. Petrich J. Psychiatric treatment in jail: An experiment in health care delivery. Hosp Community Psychiatry 1976; 27: 413-5. 14. West DJ. Criminology, deviant behaviour and mental disorder. Psychol Med 1974; 4: 1-3. 15. Holden C. The criminal mind: A new Iook at an ancient puzzle. Science 1978; 199: 511-4. 16. Goudsmit W, Reicher JW. Experience with psychotherapeutic treatment of delinquents with serious social risk: Indication, methods, results. Int J Law Psychiatry 1978; 1: 309-18. 17. Davies DW, Feldman P. The diagnosis of psychopathy by forensic specialists. Br J Psychiatry 1981; 138: 329-31. 18. Arieti S. The intrapsychic self. New York: Basic books, 1967. 19. Blackbum R. An empirical classification of psychopathic personality. Br J Psychiatry 1975; 127: 456-60. 20. Atcheson JD. Canadian native peoples and psychiatric justice. Int J Law Psychiatry 1978; 1: 93-104. 21. Masuda M, Cutler DL, Hein L, Holmes TH. Life events and prisoners. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1978; 35: 197-203.



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