

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1998, Síða 19

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1998, Síða 19
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 541 Faraldsfræði og fylgikvillar hjá hjólastólabundnum mænusköðuðum einstaklingum á íslandi Óskar Ragnarsson’1, Guðmundur Geirsson21 Ragnarsson Ó, Geirsson G Epidemiology and medical complications in pa- tients with traumatic spinal cord injuries in Ice- land Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 541-51 Objective: To study the epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injuries in Iceland, that have caused wheelchair-bound disability. To evaluate the fre- quency of medical complications in this group of patients both during the acute- and rehabilitation- stage as well as after discharge. To study the present condition and problems related to the urinary tract 1- 23 years after the injury. Material and methods: Medical records of all wheelchair-bound traumatic spinal cord injured individuals in Iceland in 1973-1996 were reviewed and the frequency of various medical complications recorded. Long-term complications were assessed by personal interviews. Urodynamic investigations were performed and the present kidney morphology and function studied by various radiological methods. Results: The annual incidence of studied spinal cord injuries was 8:1,000,000. During the acute- and rehabilitation-stage the following complications were encountered; 14 patients (29%) got pressure sores, eight (17%) deep vein thrombosis, six (12%) pneumonia and five (10%) pulmonary embolism. In the follow-up after discharge and mean follow-up time of 14 years, 19 (54%) have had pressure sores, Frá "læknadeild Háskóla íslands, 21 þvagfæraskurðdeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Guð- mundur Geirsson, þvagfæraskurðdeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, sími: 525 1000. Lykilorð: mænuskaðar, faraldsfræði, fylgikvillar, þvag- færi. 16 (46%) have had one to four urinary tract infec- tions each year, nine (26%) more than four. Nineteen patients (56%) complained of urinary incontinance and 18 (52%) had a history of urinary tract stones. One patient had lost a kidney due to reflux. Patho- logical findings were found in one third of patients who came for upper urinary tract image studies. Maximal detrusor pressure over 60 cml-LO was recorded in 12 (44%) patients and bladder capacity under 200 ml in seven (26%). Of those with injury above Th-6, 14 (58%) had experienced symptoms of autonomous dysreflexia, most commonly due to uri- nary tract infection or distended urinary bladder. Complications were more common among those who use reflex-voiding rather than intermittent catheteri- sation. One-third of the patients were either advised to change their way of bladder emptying or required pharmacological intervention according to results from urinary tract investigations. Conclusions: The incidence of traumatic spinal cord injuries in Iceland, which have caused wheelchair- bound disability, is low and has decreased over the past 25 years. Acute and long-term medical compli- cations are, however, common in these patients. A more efficient follow-up program is needed to opti- mize bladder treatment and to reduce urinary tract and other medical complications in this patient popu- lation. Key words: spinal cord injuries, epidemioiogy, compli- cations, urinary tract. Ágrip Tilgangur: Að kanna faraldsfræði mænu- skaða á íslandi sem valdið hafa hjólastólabund- inni lömun og meta tíðni ýmissa líkamlegra fylgikvilla viðkomandi sjúklinga á bráða- og endurhæfingarstigi og að endurhæfingu lok- inni. Einnig að meta núverandi ástand þvag- færa 1-23 árum eftir áverka.
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