

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2010, Qupperneq 35

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2010, Qupperneq 35
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKN Heimildir 1. Útflutningur og útflutningsframleiðsla sjávarafurða 2007. Hagtfðindi, Hagstofa Íslands 2008. 2. Driscoll TR, Ansari G, Harrison JE, Frommer MS, Ruck EA: Traumatic work related fatalities in commercial fishermen in Australia. Occup Environ Med 1994; 51: 612-6. 3. Chauvin C, Le Bouar G. Occupational injury in the french sea fishing industry: A comparative study between the 1980s and today. Accident Analysis Prevention 2007; 39: 79-85. 4. Roberts SE. Occupational mortality in british commercial fishing, 1976-95. Occup Environ Med 2004; 61:16-23. 5. Hansen HL, Nielsen D, Frydenberg M. Occupational accidents aboard merchant ships. Occup Environ Med 2002; 59:85-91. 6. O’Connor PJ, O'Connor N. Work-related maritime fatalities. Accid Anal Prev 2006; 38: 737-41. 7. Rafnsson V, Gunnarsdóttir H. Fatal accidents among Icelandic seamen: 1966-86. Br J Ind Med 1992; 49:694-9. 8. Pétursdóttir G, Hjörvar T, Snorrason H. Fatal accidents in the Icelandic fishing fleet 1980-2005. Int Marit Health 2007; 58: 47-58. 9. Aasjord HL. Tools for improving safety management in the Norwegian fishing fleet occupational accidents analysis period of 1998-2006. Int Marit Health 2006; 57: 76-84. 10. Work-related accidents in the EU - the statistical picture (1998-1999). European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, EU 2001 11 Baker SP, O'Neill B, Haddon W Jr, Long WB. The Injury Severity Score: A method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care. J Trauma 1974; 14:187-96. 12. American Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine: The abreviated injury scale. Des Plaines, III: American Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 1990 revision, update 1998. 13. www.hagstofa.is/hagtolur/Laun,-tekjurogvinnumarkadur/ vinnumarkadur. 14. Stöðugleikinn skiptir sköpum. Til sjávar. Fréttabréf Siglingastomunar 2009; 13:10. 15. Ársskýrsla 2004. Vinnueftirlit ríkisms 2005: 22. 16. Ársskýrsla 2005. Vinnueftirlit ríkisms 2006:25. 17. Tryggingarstofnun ríkisins. Fjöldi öryrkja sem metnir hafa verið 10-49% öryrkjar í kjölfar slyss 1984-2005. www.tr.is/ media/gjaldskrar/Tafla4.4_net.XLS Maí 2008. 18. Lovísa Olafsdóttir. Áhrif hvíldar á heilsu og öryggi sjómanna. Rannsókn á íslenskum sjómönnum. Samgönguráðuneytið maí 2004. 19. Jensen O. Injury risk at the work processes in fishing: A case-referent study. European Joumal of Epidemiology 2006;21:521-527. 20. Jensen OC. Non-fatal occupational fall and slip injuries among commercial fishermen analyzed by use of the NOMESCO injury registration system. Am J Ind Med 2000;37:637-644. 21. Bull N, Riise T, Moen BE. Occupational injuries to fisheries workers in Norway reported to msurance companies from 1991 to 1996. Occup Med (Lond) 2001;51:299-304. 22. Lög um rannsókn sjóslysa nr. 80/2000. 23. Rannsóknamefnd sjóslysa. Skýrsla Rannsóknamefndar sjóslysa fyrir árið 2006. 2007;:30 Fatal accidents and non-fatal injuries amongst seamen in lceland 2001-2005 Objectives: This study aims at getting a comprehensive view of the incidence, nature and circumstances leading up to injuries in lcelandic waters in 2001 -2005. Material and methods: The NOMESCO database at Landspitali University Hospital registers prospectively accidents at sea treated in the Emergency Department, including circumstances leading to the accident, vessel type, experience, task being performed, weather conditions etc. The lcelandic Marine Accident Investigation Board provided data on fatal injuries, and additional information on injuries at sea was collected from the Social Insurance Administration (SIA). Results: Of 17 fatal accidents occurring in 2001-2005 14 were work related which amounts to 54/100.000 seamen/year. The SIA received 1787 injury reports (7% of registered seamen), 826 sought assistance at Landspitali, 52 were admitted with an average injury severity score of 5.5 (1-16) and no ensuing fatalities. Most accidents occurred on fishing vessels (87%), 51% thereof on trawlers. Experienced fishermen are most commonly injured, working on deck in daylight and stable weather. Conclusions: Fatalities have declined steadily in the last two decades, yet 7% of registered fishermen sustain injuries each year. These occur amongst experienced fishermen in good external conditions, which calls for revision of safety procedures on board. Sigvaldason K, Tryggvason F, Petursdottir G, Snorrason H, Baldursson B, Mogensen B Fatal accidents and non-fatal injuries amongst seamen in lceland 2001 -2005. Icel Med J 2010; 96:29-35. Key words: Accidents at sea, fishermen, seafarers, fatalities, injury severity score. Correspondence: Kristinn Sigvaldason, krisig@landspitali.is >- oc < 5 => OT I V) -I o z LU Barst: 14. júní 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 25. nóvember 2009. LÆKNAblaöið 2010/96 35
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