

Læknablaðið - 15.07.2011, Page 20

Læknablaðið - 15.07.2011, Page 20
RANNSÓKN ENGLISH SUMMARY UV-index in lceland during the summer of 2010 Sigurgeirsson B, Wulf HC Objective: To measure erythemogenic UV radiation in lceland. Material and methods: Erythemogenic UV radiation was measured during the period from April through September 2010. We used a UV sensor that measures the Erythema Action Spectrum as has been defined by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) as the standard representation of the average skin response to UVB and UVA. The sensor was located in Skorradalur, lceland (64.533287N; -21.526338W; altitude 63 m.). The location of the sensor was carefully chosen to ensure that it was never in the shade. Results: The maximum UV-index measured was higher than three 21 days in May, 26 days in June, 26 days in July and 23 days in August. The highest value recorded was 7,3 on June 18th, at 13:25. UV index was measured as 5 or higher on 16 days in June. The highest erythema weighted daily dose was measured to 19,2 SED in April, 27,1 SED in May, 32,2 SED in June, 30 SEDin July, 23,5 SEDin August and 11,6 SED in September. Discussion: These are the first results from measurements of UV-index and standard erythema dose (SED) in lceland. The data shows that on a sunny day the UV-index can be relatively high. When the standard erythema dose was considered, high values were obtained during the summer months, with values up to six times what can cause sunburn. Key words: UV-index, erythemogenic rays, sunburn, lceland Correspondence: Bárður Sigurgeirsson, bsig@hudlaeknastodin.is Læknadagar 16.-20. janúar 2012 Ákveðið hefur verið að Læknadagar 2012 verði haldnir í tónlistar- og ráðstefnuhúsinu HÖRPU. Þetta verður mikil breyting enda Laeknadagar löngu búnir að sprengja utanaf sér það húsnæði sem í boði hefur verið hingað til. Vart þarf að taka fram að öll aðstaða til fundarhalda í HÖRPU er hin besta, glæsilegir fundarsalir og stórt sýningarsvæði, þannig að vel ætti að fara um alla þátttakendur. Og síðast en ekki síst eru næg bílastæði í bílastæðakjallara hússins. Stefnt er að því að Læknadagar fái viðurkenningu sem símenntunarþing lækna og liður í því er að titlar á málþingum verða að berast bæði á íslensku og ensku. 416 LÆKNAblaöið 2011/97



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