Gripla - 20.12.2011, Blaðsíða 46
Saga af Fídes, Spes ok Karítas I
The following is an edition of the legend of Saints Faith, Hope, and
Charity as presented by Stock. Perg. fol. no. 2, AM 235 fol., and AM 429
12mo. The former half of the legend is based on AM 235 fol. with correc-
tions and variant readings from AM 429 12mo.17 The latter half is based
on Stock. Perg. fol. no. 2 with variant readings from AM 235 fol. and AM
429 12mo (as far as it goes). Abbreviations are expanded in accordance with
the normal spelling of the scribe. Expansions of abbreviations by means
of a supralinear symbol or letter or by means of contraction are marked in
italics. Expansion of abbreviations by means of suspension is marked in
parentheses. Words or letters now illegible but assumed to have originally
been in the manuscript are printed in square brackets. Matter never pres-
ent but presumed to have been inadvertently omitted is added in diagonal
brackets. Illegible or now missing letters are indicated by 0000; the num-
ber of zeroes corresponds approximately to the number of illegible letters,
but not possible abbreviations.
[36vb] *[0000000000000000000] |7
ÞA er vm allan heim hafdi |8 runnít sd gudligrar kenningar |9 ok margir
menn hofdu brutt snuízt fra |10 blotum skur goða til heilagrar trvar |11 ok
skirn tekit matti þat eigi standazt ne þola spilla |12 ri *sannleiksins en fỏrne
diỏfull at sea sua fagra blo |13 ma skina ok margfallda uỏxtu j hiortum
Háskóla Íslands, 2003), 93–100. The edition is based on AM 235 fol. (the former half
of the legend) and Stock. Perg. fol. no. 2 (the latter part of the legend) with emendations
from AM 233a fol. and AM 429 12mo. The introduction to the edition provides a literary
discussion of the legends of female saints in Old Norse-Icelandic literature.
17 An edition of the legend of Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity in AM 429 12mo is included
in Wolf, ed., A female legendary from Iceland: “Kirkjubæjarbók,” 159–62.
*6 According to Unger, the chapter has the following title: Prologus in tres virgines Fides,
Spes, Karitas. The title is no longer visible 8–9 runnít ... snuízt] runnín uerít kenníng ok
sad guds orda ok uaxandí milldi keníngar hafdí dregít marga menn 429 10–11 heilagrar
... tekit] guds kenníngar ok heílagrar skírnar suo at heilir yrdí allír þangat [< þann ok
MS] flyíendr þa 429 11–12 standazt ... sannleiksins] þola ne standaz ouínrínn ok
spillarí allz hins goda ok sanns [< híns MS] frod leiks 429 *12 sannleiksins] sannleiskis
13 uỏxtu] + trua<r>ínnar 429