Gripla - 20.12.2011, Side 144
It has been noted that this insert in Upsaliensis – Skáldatal, Ættartala
and Lögsögumannatal – is not an integral part of the Edda, and that
is certainly true. However, it is part of Codex Upsaliensis, and the
disposition of the manuscript indicates that it was placed where it is
with careful deliberation. (Krömmelbein 1992, 122).
Krömmelbein gerir reyndar ráð fyrir að teikningin á fol. 26v (Grape 1962,
50) sé hluti af hinni meðvituðu endurskoðun og leggi áherslu á Snorra sem
goðsagnafræðing (e. mythographer) og kveður svo að orði:
The “triune Óðinn” who recounts myths to Gylfi represents Snorri’s
most original, innovative achievement in the interpretation of myth,
namely the portrayal of pagan myths of the forefathers in such a
way that the contemporary recipient can recognize analogies with
the Christian religion, in accordance with the view that the pagan
beliefs of the forefathers contain a grain of Christian truth, which
should be reason enough not to let them sink into oblivion. The
insertion of Skáldatal, Ættartala Sturlunga, and Lögsögumannatal
serves to emphasize three further aspects of Snorri’s achivements:
his social position as skald at the Norwegian court, his position in
the Sturlung family, and finally his position in Icelandic society.
It is the concern of the Upsaliensis compiler to honor Snorri in
all his aspects, as mythographer, as skald, and in his social standing.
The arrangement of Codex Upsaliensis seems to be informed by an
encomiastic intent; one is tempted to speak even of an apotheosis
of Snorri. (Sama rit, 123).
Engin þörf er á að gera ágreining um að ritstjóri vilji gera hlut Snorra
góðan, en apotheosis er stórt orð.
Hér skal minnt á þriðja sérfræðinginn, sem Krömmelbein og Guðrún
kallast óbeint á við. Finnur Jónsson skrifaði í formála sínum að Eddu 1931
eftir að hafa gert grein fyrir flutningi sagnanna um Hrungni og Geirröð:
Herefter følger så de tre ovenfor nævnte ganske uvedkommende
stykker (skjaldefortegnelsen, slægtregistret og lovsigemandsrækk-
en). Der er kun én forklaring at give på det her forefundne fæno-
men. Skriveren har ønsket at samle alle myter, stille dem sammen.