
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1972, Qupperneq 66

Jökull - 01.12.1972, Qupperneq 66
work was supplemented, at the suggestion of Professor Sigurður Thorarinsson, by a survey of Falljökull. In 1967 the work was supervised by Bob Metcalfe (Bristol Grammar School) who is a trained surveyor and has spent two years in Antarctica in that capacity. The party sur- veyed Virkisjökull, the southern arm. In 1968 the map was completed by a party led by Tony Escritt (Harrow School) although rnost of the work was undertaken by Lisle Ryder (Selwyn College, Cambridge). In both years the mor- aines were mapped by parties of unskilled boys supervised by Peter Macklin (formerly of Dur- ham University). The glacier was mapped at a scale of 1:10,000 using a theodolite and plane table equipment. Substantial cairns were built wherever firm ground was available. Elsewhere flags or yellow paint was used. These points should be easily retrieved but in case of doubt they are docu- mented and filed at the Brathay Field Study Centre. The height control was based upon the yellow datum post west of the Virkisjökull snout whose height “had been tentatively fixed by aneroid barometer at 300'” (R. J. M. 1967). Once established the lteight of the ice base line w'as fixed by theodolite, other heights by clinometer. It is to be regretted that the metric system was not used in the initial mapping. Inspection of the tabulated clinometer read- ings shows that only in two or three cases is there a discrepancy of more than 10' between readings and in most cases rather less. By and large the satisfactory nature of the clinometer heights would seem to endorse the reliability of the horizontal control on the plane table. Intersections were satisfactory except in the case of two summits to the North of the glacier — 2460' and 3133' — which were included at the end to assist in the drawing of the con- tours. Perhaps a suitable margin of error to allow in horizontal control would be 15' or 20' on the lower end and central parts of the glacier extending to 50' or so at the icefall. The contours established in 1968 agreed very closely witli those of the 1967 survey and fre- quent checks with the control at all stages showed the reliability of tlie maps to well up the icefall. Distinction has been made between ice, moraine and ice-cored moraine. In many cases this was difficult to determine but the contours may be taken as a reasonably reliable representation of the situation in 1967/68. The contours of the ice-cored moraine are necessari- ly generalised. Doubt also arises as to the ac- curacy of the lowest moraines due West of the two snouts; most of the boys surveying there were taking the responsibility for the first time. The outwash streams have not been mapped in every detail since they change their courses so rapidly. In 1967 the course of a stream was mapped from the snout of Virkisjökull west- ward to the main outwash valley, This stream now disappears down a set of swallow holes in ice-cored moraine about 200 yards clownstream of the snout at a point where, in 1967, ice- cored moraine was thought not to exist. The map has been adjusted. After heavy rain how- ever the valley is fully occupied. A more detailed report has been lodged with Jöklarannsóknafélag Islands and fuller details are available from the author. ÁGRIP KORT AF FALLJÖKLI í ÖRÆFUM I Vatnahéraði i norðvesturhluta Englands hefur siðan 1947 starfað félagsskapur, er nefn- ist Brathay Exploration Group, kenndur við Brathay Hall, sem er megin aðsetur þessa félags- skapar, og vceri þeim, er sinna, ceskulýðsstarfi hérlendis, vissulega fengur í að kynnast þvi ágceta starfi, sem þar er unnið. Þar eru árlega haldin sumarnámskeið fyrir unglinga og einnig skiþuleggur þessi félagsskap- ur frceðslu- og rannsóknaferðir til ýmissa svceða, innan og uta,n Bretlands, þar sem unglingar eru þjálfaðir í ýmsum náttúrufrœðilegum rann- sóknum undir stjórn fcerra manna. Fyrsta Brathay-ferðin til íslands var gerð árið 1953 og hafa síðan verið gerðar margar slikar hingað, einkum til Örcefa, m. a. i því skyni að rannsaka skúma á Breiðamerkursandi. Sumur- in 1967 og 1968 vann nokkuð a,f leiðangurs- mönnum að þvi að gera kort af Falljökli, og er það kort birt hér, ásamt greinargerð um korta- gerðina og lýsingu á jöklinum, eftir E. A. Esc- ritt. Kortið er gert i mcelikva,rða 1:10.000 og eru hceðir í fetum að brezkum sið, en hceðar- línur með 50 feta hceðarmun. S. Þ. 64 JÖKULL 22. ÁR
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