Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.07.2004, Page 54

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.07.2004, Page 54
Ráðstefnur Caribbian Nurses Organization 24th Biennial Conference Curaqao, Hollensku-Antillaeyjum 25. -31. júlí 2004 Netfang: odeancr@curinfo.an Disability Studies: Putting Theory into Practice Lancaster, Englandi 26. -28. júlí 2004 Heimasíöa: www.lancs.ac.uk/depts/apsocsci/events/dsa.htm 13th International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2004 Sidney, Ástralíu 8.-12. ágúst 2004 Heimasíða: www.isncc.org Japan Academy of Nursing Science Fifth International Nursing Research Conference Fukushima, Japan 29.-31. ágúst 2004 Heimasíða: www.big-palette.jp Norræn sjónarhorn á fagþróun, rannsóknir og verkefnavinnu í geðhjúkrun Þrándheimi, Noregi 2. -4. september 2004 Netfang: vonedcross.is Nokias Stafangri, Noregi 3. -5. september 2004 Netfang: Barbara@fsa.is Building on the past - Challenging the future Genf, Sviss 4. -7. september 2004 Netfang: info@edtna-erca.org AMEE 2004 Edinborg, Skotlandi 5. -8. september 2004 Heimasíða: www.amee.org ACENDIO The electronic health record: The nursing challenge. What can we learn from each other? Swansea, Bretlandi 11.-13. september 2004 Netfang: oudnico@netscape.net Nordisk halso- och sjukvárdskonferens Lillehammer, Noregi 15-17. september 2004 Heimasíða: www.nsh.no 7. Nordiske Vejleder Kongres Herning, Danmörku 15. -17. september 2004 Heimasíða: www.visitherning.com Loft 2004 Hveragerði, íslandi 16. -17. september 2004 Heimasíða: www.hnlfi.is 3rd international conference on Elder Care „Older People Deserve the Best! Building a Policy Framework and Innovative Services for Elder Health and Elder Care Toronto, Kanada 22.-23. September 2004 Heimasíða: www.rnao.org/html/PDF/Elder_04 2nd International ICART Conference Conference Center Meervaart 22.-24. September 2004 Working with Aggression and violence Heimasíöa: www.meervaart.nl/congressen III World Conference on Bioethics (SIBI) Cuenca, Spáni 27. september-1. október 2004 Heimasíða: www.mateomateo.com Evidence in Practice: leading the way in aged care 4th Joanna Briggs Australasian Colloquium Melbourne, Ástralíu 29. september -1. október 2004 Heimasíða: www.joannabriggs.edu.au/colloquium2004 8th World Congress Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory S-CDNT Ulm, Þýskalandi 29. september-3. október 2004 Heimasíða: www.worldcongress-scdnt.com 12th Biennial Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurses Researchers Nursing's Contribution for Health of European Citizens Lissabon, Portúgal 5.-8. október 2004 Heimasíða: www.geotur.com/wenr.ape 5th International Conference of FINE Sibiu, Rúmeníu 14.-15. október 2004 Heimasíöa: nursing.sibiu.rdsnet.ro


Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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