Ráðunautafundur - 15.02.2001, Side 45
However a few factors to consider in general are:
and pesticides,
• better anirnal health,
• better storage capacity,
• (premium price products),
• (subsidies).
• no costs for chemical fertilisers
lower yields, less animal production,
less area for cash crops (part goes to green manure),
more work hours,
longer rearing time for animals,
more expensive bought in feed,
investments (storage space, equipment, stables),
certification costs,
marketing and distribution.
Gain for society in general (non-trade values):
• Better environment and recirculation of nutrients.
• Biological diversity.
• Food quality, food safety.
• Employment.
• Reduced use of non-renewable energy.
• Rural development and preservation of landscapes.
Although “young” as a concept and a practical model for agriculture organic farming has al-
ready proved to give many advantages and provide working altematives in solving many of
the problems of modern agriculture. Despite little support from research and extension many
different benefits are being experienced after conversion to organic farming worldwide. Some
benefits supported by research are:
• increased biodiversity due to diversified production systems, the omission of pesticides
and a greater interest to preserve and use local crops and varieties,
• reduced nutrient losses and leakage due to cover crops, recirculation, the integration of
animals and crops, the omission of chemical fertilisers, a high degree of self-sufficiency
in animal fodder and high nutrient efficiency,
• reduced erosion and better water management due to good soil management like
mulching, green manuring and crop diversification,
• reduced use of non-renewable resources due to the omission of chemical fertilisers and
the use of on-farm produced fodder and feed-stuffs replacing imported feed components
with long transportation.
• safer working conditions for farmers and farm workers,
• better food quality taking into account not only the reduced risk of contamination of
food and water but also environmental characteristics of the production system, working
conditions of the people involved, and an ethical dimension,
• better economy for most commodities in the Nordic countries mainly due to the pre-
mium price and the EU-support. Due to a good communication with the market and the
consumers it has so far been possible to keep reasonable prices on most products.