

Læknablaðið - sep. 2020, Side 16

Læknablaðið - sep. 2020, Side 16
402 L ÆK N A BL AÐIÐ 2020/106 R A N N S Ó K N 1. WHO. gco.iarc.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/900-world-fact-sheets.pdf - september 2019. 2. NORDCAN. Staðreyndir um krabbamein. Ísland - Brjóst. dep.iarc.fr/NORDCAN/ICE/ StatsFact.asp?cancer=200&country=352. - september 2019. 3. NORDCAN. Staðreyndir um krabbamein. Svíþjóð - Brjóst. dep.iarc.fr/NORDCAN/ICE/ StatsFact.asp?cancer=200&country=752. - september 2019. 4. Seely JM, Alhassan T. Screening for breast cancer in 2018 - what should we be doing today? Curr Oncol 2018; 25 (Suppl 1): S115-S124. 5. Samverkan, R.c.i. Gällande vårdprogram bröstcancer. 2019 - september 2019. 6. Krabbameinsfélagið. Brjóstakrabbamein. Helstu einkenni, orsakir, greining, algengi og lífshorfur. krabb.is/fraedsla-forvarnir/krabbamein-a-o/brjostakrabbamein/ - 7. Sigurdsson K, Olafsdóttir EJ. Population-based service mammography screening: the Icelandic experience. Breast cancer 2013; 5: 17-25. 8. Cardoso F, Kyriakides S, Ohno S, et al. 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Late complications of radiation therapy for breast cancer: evolution in techniques and risk over time. Gland Surgery 2018; 7: 371-8. 24. Ágústsson AS. Ductal carcinoma in situ á Íslandi 2008-2014 og samanburður greiningar og meðferðar við Svíþjóð. http://hdl.handle.net/1946/27585 - september 2017. Lilja Dögg Gísladóttir1 Helgi Birgisson3 Bjarni A. Agnarsson1,2 Þorvaldur Jónsson2 Laufey Tryggvadóttir1,3 Ásgerður Sverrisdóttir2 Correspondence: Lilja Dögg Gísladóttir, ldg5@hi.is Key words: Breast cancer, Quality registration, Diagnosis, Treatment. E N G L I S H S U M M A R Y Comparison of diagnosis and treatment of invasive breast cancer between Iceland and Sweden PURPOSE: As part of the implementation of quality registration in Iceland we used retro- spective data to compare diagnosis and treatment of invasive breast cancer between Iceland and Sweden. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Information on all patients diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in Iceland 2016-2017 was obtained from the Icelandic Cancer Registry. Hospital records were used to register variables in an electronic form adapted from the Swedish quality registration, and compared with data from Sweden for the same period. A chi-squ- are test was used to compare ratios. RESULTS: A total of 486 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in Iceland and 15.325 in Sweden. A lower proportion of 40-69 year old women were diagnosed within the screening programme in Iceland (46%) compared to Sweden (60%) (p<0,01). Multidisciplinary tumor board meetings held before and after surgery were less frequent in Iceland (92% vs. 96%) compared to Sweden (98% vs. 99%) in 2016 (p<0,01) but no difference was seen in 2017. A sentinel node surgery was done in 69% of the cases in Iceland compared to 94% in Sweden (p<0,01). For cancers ≤30mm breast conserving surgery was done in 48% cases in Iceland but 80% in Sweden (p<0,01). In Iceland 87% of the cases had radiation therapy after breast conserving surgery but 94% in Sweden (p<0,01). Among mastectomy patients with lymph node metastases, 49% received radiation therapy in Iceland compared to 83% in Sweden (p<0,01). CONCLUSION: Differences were seen in several areas of diagnosis and treatment of invasive breast cancer between Iceland and Sweden. With quality registration it will be possible to monitor and set goals for the diagnosis and treatment, with the aim of providing the best treatment to as many patients as possible. 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, 3Icelandic Cancer Registry, Reykjavík, Iceland. Heimildir Barst til blaðsins 22. maí 2020, samþykkt til birtingar 21. ágúst 2020.



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