

Læknablaðið - 01.05.2022, Side 17

Læknablaðið - 01.05.2022, Side 17
L ÆKNABL AÐIÐ 2022/108 237 R A N N S Ó K N Greinin barst til blaðsins 27. október 2021, samþykkt til birtingar 21. mars 2022. samverkandi þátta en jafnframt hefur skert nýrnastarfsemi sterk tengsl við almennan hrumleika, sem aftur hefur tengsl við aukna dánaráhættu.26 Rannsókn okkar bætist við fjölda annarra rann- sókna á árangri kransæðahjáveituaðgerða á Íslandi og fylgikvilla í kjölfar þeirra. Niðurstöðurnar munu vonandi stuðla að frekari rannsóknum á þessum sjúklingahópi og vekja athygli á mikilvægi nýrnastarfsemi hvað varðar árangur þessara algengu aðgerða. Heimildir 1. Webster AC, Nagler EV, Morton RL, et al. Chronic Kidney Disease. Lancet 2017; 389: 1238- 52. 2. Levey AS, Eckardt K-U, Tsukamoto Y, et al. Definition and classification of chronic kid- ney disease: A position statement from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Kidney Int 2005; 67: 2089-100. 3. Go AS, Chertow GM, Fan D, et al. 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Þakkir Þakkir fær Eygló Guðmundsdóttir, verkefnastjóri á hagdeild Landspítala, fyrir aðstoð við leit að sjúkraskrám. Rannsóknin var styrkt af Vísindasjóði Landspítala, Rannsóknarsjóði Háskóla Ís- lands og Minningarsjóði Helgu Jónsdóttur og Sigurliða Kristjáns- sonar. 15. Noyez L, Kievit PC, van Swieten HA, et al. Cardiac operative risk evaluation: The EuroSCORE II, does it make a real difference? Neth Heart J 2012; 20: 494-8. 16. Khwaja A. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Kidney Injury. Nephron Clin Pract 2012; 120: c179-c84. 17. Viktorsdottir O, Palsson R, Andresdottir MB, et al. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease based on estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria in Icelandic adults. Nephrol Dialysis Transplant 2005; 20: 1799-807. 18. Li X, Zhang S, Xiao F. Influence of chronic kidney disease on early clinical outcomes after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. J Cardiothorac Surg 2020; 15: 199. 19. Kusu-Orkar TE, Kermali M, Oguamanam N, et al. Coronary artery bypass grafting: Factors affecting outcomes. J Card Surg 2020; 35: 3503-11. 20. Chikwe J, Castillo JG, Rahmanian PB, et al. The impact of moderate-to-end-stage renal failure on outcomes after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2010; 24: 574-9. 21. Helgadottir S, Sigurdsson MI, Palsson R, et al. Renal recovery and long-term survival following acute kidney injury after coronary artery surgery: a nationwide study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2016; 60: 1230-40. 22. Sutherland L, Hittesdorf E, Yoh N, et al. Acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery: A comparison of different definitions. Nephrol (Carlton) 2020; 25: 212-8. 23. Baskett R, Buth K, Ghali W, et al. Outcomes in octogenarians undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. CMAJ 2005; 172: 1183-6. 24. Yau TM, Fedak PW, Weisel RD, et al. Predictors of operative risk for coronary bypass oper- ations in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999; 118: 1006-13. 25. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: evaluation, classification, and stratification. Am J Kidney Dis 2002; 39 (2 Suppl 1): S1-266. 26. Chowdhury R, Peel NM, Krosch M, et al. Frailty and chronic kidney disease: A systematic review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2017; 68: 135-42. E N G L I S H S U M M A R Y Nanna Sveinsdóttir1 Sunna Rún Heiðarsdóttir1 Árni Steinn Steinþórsson1 Hera Jóhannesdóttir2 Alexandra Aldís Heimisdóttir2 Tómas Þór Kristjánsson2 Þórir Einarsson Long3 Ingibjörg Guðmundsdóttir1,4 Martin Ingi Sigurðsson1,5 Tómas Guðbjartsson1,2 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Departments of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 3Nephrology, 4Cardiology and 5Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Landspitali University Hospital. Correspondence: Tómas Guðbjartsson, tomasgud@landspitali.is Key words: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), reduced kidney function, chronic kidney disease, short-term, complications, outcome Impact of renal dysfunction on early outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery INTRODUCTION: Impaired renal function as seen in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a known risk factor for coronary artery diseases and has been linked to inferior outcome after myocardial revascularization. Studies on the outcome of coronary bypass grafting (CABG) in CKD-patients are scarce. We aimed to study this subgroup of patients following CABG in a well defined whole-nation cohort, focusing on short term complications and 30 day mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study on 2300 consecutive patients that underwent CABG at Landspítali University Hospital 2001-2020. Patients were divided into four groups according to preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and the groups compared. GFR 45–59 mL/mín/1.73m2, GFR 30-44 mL/mín/1.73m2, GFR <30 mL/mín/1.73m2 and controls with normal GFR (≥60 mL/mín/1.73m2). Clinical information was gathered from medical records and logistic regression used to estimate risk factors of 30-day mortality. RESULTS: Altogether 429 (18.7%) patients had impaired kidney function; these patients being more than six years older, having more cardiac symptoms and a higher mean EuroSCORE II (5.0 vs. 1.9, p<0.001) compared to controls. Furthermore, their left ventricular ejection fraction was also lower, their median hospital stay extended by two days and major short-term complications more common, as was 30 day mortality (24.4% vs. 1.4%, p<0.001). In multivariate analysis advanced age, ejection fraction <30% and GFR <30 mL/ min/1.73m2 were independent predictors of higher 30-day mortality (OR=10.4; 95% CI: 3.98-25.46). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with impaired renal function are older and more often have severe coronary artery disease. Early complications and 30-day mortality were much higher in these patients compared to controls and advanced renal failure and the strongest predictor of 30-day mortality. doi 10.17992/lbl.2022.05.690



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