

Læknablaðið - 01.07.2022, Page 25

Læknablaðið - 01.07.2022, Page 25
L ÆKNABL AÐIÐ 2022/108 345 R A N N S Ó K N Heimildir 1. Lindroos EK, Saarela RKT, Suominen MH, et al. Burden of Oral Symptoms and Its Associations With Nutrition, Well-Being, and Survival Among Nursing Home Residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2019; 20: 537-43. 2. Niesten D, Witter DJ, Bronkhorst EM, et al. Oral health care behavior and frailty-related factors in a care-dependent older population. J Dent 2017; 61: 39-47. 3. Greining á rekstrarkostnaði hjúkrunarheimila. Heilbrigðisráðuneytið 2021. 4. Hjaltadóttir I, Ólafsson K, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, et al. Heilsa og lifun íbúa fyrir og eftir setn- ingu strangari skilyrða fyrir flutningi á hjúkrunarheimili 2007. Læknablaðið 2019; 105: 435- 41. 5. Gunnarsdóttir SH, Hjaltadóttir I. Hegðunarvandamál á hjúkrunarheimilum og tengsl við heilsufar, virkni og fjötranotkun. Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga 2020; 96: 71-9. 6. Delwel S, Binnekade TT, Perez RSGM, et al. Oral hygiene and oral health in older people with dementia: a comprehensive review with focus on oral soft tissues. Clin Oral Invest 2018; 22: 93-108. 7. Van der Putten G-J, De Baat C, De Visschere L, et al. Poor oral health, a potential new geriat- ric syndrome. Gerodontology 2014; 31: 17-24. 8. Pretty IA. The life course, care pathways and elements of vulnerability. A picture of health needs in a vulnerable population. Gerodontology 2014; 31: 1-8. 9. Ólafsdóttir G. Mikilvægi góðrar næringar hjá öldruðum. Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga 2016; 92: 27-9. 10. Klotz AL, Zajac M, Ehret J, et al. Short-Term Effects of a Deterioration of General Health on the Oral Health of Nursing-Home Residents. Clin Interv Aging 2020; 15: 29-38. 11. Kossioni AE, Hajto-Bryk J, Janssens B, et al. Practical Guidelines for Physicians in Promoting Oral Health in Frail Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2018; 19: 1039-46. 12. Hjaltadóttir I, Ásgeirsdóttir AE, Árnadóttir B, et al. Matstæki til greiningar á vannæringu aldraðra. Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga 2007; 83: 48-56. 13. Hägglund P, Koistinen S, Olai L, et al. Older people with swallowing dysfunction and poor oral health are at greater risk of early death. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2019; 47: 494- 501. 14. Ruiz-Roca JA, Dora Martín F, Gómez García FJ, et al. Oral status of older people in medium to long-stay health and social care setting: a systematic review. BMC Geriatrics 2021; 21: 363. 15. Bragadottir H, Kalisch BJ. Comparison of reports of missed nursing care: Registered Nurses vs. practical nurses in hospitals. Scand J Caring Sci 2018; 32: 1227-36. 16. Sigurdardottir AS, Geirsdottir OG, Ramel A, et al. Cross-sectional study of oral health care service, oral health beliefs and oral health care education of caregivers in nursing homes. Geriatr Nurs 2022; 43: 138-45. E N G L I S H S U M M A R Y Aðalheiður Svana Sigurðardóttir1 Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir2 Inga B. Árnadóttir1 Alfons Ramel2 1School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Odontology, University of Iceland, 2School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Iceland. Correspondence: Aðalheiður Svana Sigurðardóttir, adalhsvana@hi.is Key words: Oral Care, Nursing homes, Geriatric care, Health care, Oral health, Quality of life. Oral health problems in nursing homes, revision of oral health care delivery is needed INTRODUCTION: Prevalence of oral health problems among nursing home residents is common, they suffer from oral diseases and need dental service. The aim of this study was to examine clinical oral health of Icelandic nursing home residents and their oral health quality of life. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Total (N=82) residents in two nursing homes in Reykjavik gave their consent to be involved in this descriptive cross-sectional study. Residents participated in a clinical oral health examination at site and answered oral health quality of life questionnaire. RESULTS: Total 89% (N=73) residents completed the study, mean age 86.8 years (SD=5.7, range 73-100 years), of whom third had their own teeth and like had teeth, and partial dentures, while 41.1% were completely edentulous. The clinical oral health examination showed high prevalence of untreated oral health problems (67%). Residents with the worst oral health scored significantly higher than those who were better dentate, affecting their oral health quality of life (p=0.014), functional limitation (p=0.002) and physical disability (p=0.000). Most oral health problems interrelated to chewing, eating and limited ability to eat certain foods affecting their capability of food intake. CONCLUSION: Current administration of oral health care in nursing home needs alteration and the qualification in geriatric oral health and oral health care must be guaranteed among nursing staff in these settings. The public and health professions should work together in oral care matters in nursing homes to maintain oral health and lifelong oral health quality of life among residents. doi 10.17992/lbl.2022.0708.700 17. Weening-Verbree LF, Schuller AA, Cheung SL, et al. Barriers and facilitators of oral health care experienced by nursing home staff. Geriatr Nurs 2021; 42: 799-805. 18. Azzolino D, Passarelli PC, De Angelis P, et al. Poor Oral Health as a Determinant of Malnutrition and Sarcopenia. Nutrients 2019; 11: 2898. 19. Bartlett D, Carter N, de Baat C, et al. White Paper on Optimal Care and Maintenance of Full Dentures for Oral and General Health. Oral Health Foundation 2018. 20. Maille G, Saliba-Serre B, Ferrandez AM, et al. Objective and perceived oral health status of elderly nursing home residents: a local survey in southern France. Clin Interv Aging 2019; 14: 1141-51. 21. Slade GD. The Oral Health Impact Profile. In: Slade GD, ed. Measuring Oral Health and Quality of Life. 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Göstemeyer G, Baker SR, Schwendicke F. Barriers and facilitators for provision of oral health care in dependent older people: a systematic review. Clin Oral Investig 2019; 23: 979- 93. 29. Ekornrud T, Skjøstad O, Rødseth SC. Quality indicators in oral health care: A Nordic project. Proceedings in 2012-2018. 2019. 30. Charadram N, Maniewicz S, Maggi S, et al. Development of a European consensus from dentists, dental hygienists and physicians on a standard for oral health care in care- dependent older people: An e-Delphi study. Gerodontology 2021; 38: 41-56.



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