AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.04.2001, Blaðsíða 64

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.04.2001, Blaðsíða 64
e n g I i s In this issue of AVS, the first half is dedicated to Akureyri, the largest urban centre in northern Iceland, often dubbed „the capital of the north”. Articles in the second half of the magazine focus mainly on plan- ning and design in Reykjavík. PAGE 9: AKUREYRI: CAPITAL OF THE NORTH In his editorial, Gestur Ólafsson writes about the changes that have taken place in Akureyri, from its beginnings as a small village, to its present-day status as a modern urban centre with great potential. PAGE 11: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR OF AKUREYRI Here Kristján Þór Júlíusson, mayor of Akureyri, discusses Akureyri’s status as an urban centre at the tum of the mil- lennium. Rapid changes are taking place, and while the mainstays of the economy are still fishing, agriculture and the service industry, the high-tech- nology sector is growing. The mayor also states his view that Akureyri is an excellent place to live for forward- thinking people who value safety, a family-friendly environment, and closeness to nature. PAGE 14: REGIONAL DEVELOP- MENT IN AKUREYRI In this article, Dr. Bjarki Jóhannesson, Director of the Development Depart- ment at the Institute of Regional Deve- lopment, looks at the problem of resi- dential migration from Akureyri to Reykjavík. He discusses the main caus- es, which in his view include the change from an industrial to a know- ledge-based society, increased mecha- nization in industry, and a change in values among the younger generation. He concludes with his opinion that Akureyri has every opportunity of fur- ther strengthening its position as Iceland’s main urban centre outside Reykjavík. h s u m PAGE18: REGIONAL PLANNING IN THE EYJAFJÖRÐUR AREA The Eyjafjörður area refers to the region in and around Akureyri, and here architect Benedikt Bjömsson describes proposals for the regional plan for the area, from 1998-2010. He describes the goals and policy of the proposal, and looks at environmental issues and land use. PAGE 21: CONSTRUCTION OF AN INDOOR SKATING RINK IN AKUREYRI This short article gives details of the construction of an indoor skating rink in Akureyri. The rink was based on a Finnish design solution and adapted to Icelandic conditions. Details are given of its construction and building materi- als, as well as the interior plan. PAGE 22: CONSTRUCTION OF A SKI SERVICE CENTER IN HLÍÐARFJALL In the autumn of 1999, a new service centre replaced an older one in Hlíðar- fjall, Akureyri’s main skiing area. In this article, details of the size and design of the new centre are given. PAGE 24: GLERÁRTORG - A NEW SHOPPING MALL In this article, architect Gísli Gíslason describes the design of the Glerártorg shopping mall in Akureyri. He writes about the goal of creating a solid shop- ping centre with a strong image, firmly rooted in its surroundings. He also gives details of the mall’s constmction, building materials used, parking facili- ties, size, and the shops and services in the mall. PAGE 26: AKUREYRI’S MASTER PLAN 1998-2018 Here Hjalti Jóhannesson, geographer for Akureyri’s Environmental Division, writes about Akureyri’s master plan 1998-2018. The main departures from the previous plan are to do with fulfill- ing Local Agenda 21 and involve new environmental policies and plans for m a r y sustainable development. Jóhannesson also writes about the goals of the plan, economic development, and Akureyri’s role as the largest urban centre outside Reykjavík and its potential for being an attractive living option in the future. PAGE 30: SHOPPING CENTERS IN AKUREYRI Dr. Halldóra Amardóttir, architectural historian, here gives her view of the contrast between an indoor shopping centre located in the suburbs and a cov- ered shopping mall in the heart of town. In support of her opinions, she com- pares a mall such as the renowned La Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan with a generic shopping mall on the outskirts of an American city, and makes reference to current shopping centre developments in Akureyri. PAGE33: THE AKUREYRI SWIM- MING POOL This article describes the architectural changes made in 1993 to the swimming pool in Akureyri, following a competi- tion held to elicit proposals. The article details the design, planning, philosophy and building materials used, as well as plans for future additions to the pool. PAGE 36: RECOGNITION FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Two buildings in Akureyri were recent- Iy awarded recognition by various plan- ning and cultural committees in the town. They are Giljaskóli school, de- signed by architect Fanney Hauksdóttir, and Hindarlundur 9, a private residence designed by architect Logi Einarsson. Details are given of the design, and photographs are used to illustrate. PAGE 38: TWO BUILDINGS On this page are reports of two separate buildings in Akureyri. The first, Skipa- gata 9, is a commercial property taken into use in 1997. A description is given of the design, and details given of the architectural and engineering firms involved. The other short article de- scribes a planned sports centre in 62
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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