Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2024, Blaðsíða 76
74 Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga | 1. tbl. 100. árg. 2024
Incident reporting related to surgeries in Lanspitali, national university hospital inIceland 2018–2020: A descriptive study
Incident reporting related to surgeries in Landspitali,
national University hospital in Iceland 2018-2020:
A descriptive study
Thoroddsdottir, Sigridur Runa., Sigurdardottir, Arun K., Sigurdsson, Martin Ingi.
Unexpected incidents in the healthcare system are considered one
of the leading causes of unexpected death and disability worldwide.
It has been estimated that about 10% of patients in Western
countries are harmed while admitted to hospital, and that about
half of these incidents are possibly preventable. The purpose of the
study was to explore the frequency of unexpected incidents related
to surgeries reported in selected wards at Landspitali from 2018 to
2020 and explore if the staff had suggestions for improvements in
order to prevent these incidents from recurring
A quantitative descriptive study. The data were all recorded
incidents on surgical wards, postoperative wards and surgical day
wards at Landspitali.
The annual number of recorded incidents in the wards studied
decreased, while the total number of incidents at Landspitali
was unchanged. The most commonly reported incidents were
related to treatment/examination, equipment and medical
treatment. A considerable number of incidents, about 29%, were
not registered in the correct category according to definitions
in the classificationsystem used. Staff in most wards came up
with suggestions for improvements. Around 90% of all incidents
were incidents of severity category 1, causing little or no harm
to the patient. The most common suggestions by staff to prevent
incidents from recurring were to improve communication, reduce
workload and improve staffing or improve recording.
Incident reporting in Landspitali is not sufficiently targeted which
makes it difficult to process the unexpected incidents. Staff
training in incident reporting is important. Professional training in
use of standards and checklists as well as in communication, could
increase safety of patients and professionals. The management
needs to foster a strong safety culture by leading and using incident
reporting to learn from and to improvement.
Recording of unexpected incidents, surgery, teamwork,registration,
safety culture.